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My [22 M] Dad [55 M] gets mad when I call out his racist bullshit and I don't know if I should keep calling him out or just let it slide?

So, tonight we go to 7/11. I'm driving since I didn't drink but my Dad did. We get there, and there is some inconvenience that makes us wait 15 minutes since the family in front of us keeps getting declined. We wait, it's frustrating, but eventually, we check out and leave.

In the car, we're both complaining about how dumb customers can be sometimes when buying stuff. My Dad decides to use the opportunity to say how "you know, it sounds racist, but...." and proceeds to tell me how because the people were in front of us were hispanic, is confirmation that it's "part of their culture."

I'm just kinda confused because I'm like...."Dad, we live in the southwest. This city is 80% hispanic of course the people most likely to cause "problems" are hispanic its statistics not culture." I flipped it on him and told him if we lived back in his home state of Wisconsin, thats 80% white, and encountered hicks causing the same problem you wouldn't be saying that its part of "fly over state culture".

But he wasn't having any of it. He kept getting pissy with me and passive aggressive, accusing me of being too politically correct and defensive and I was like "No, you're just mad I'm calling out your bullshit".

So yeah. Wasn't a great feeling. He does this all the time and it makes me uncomfortable. He's lowkey racist to Chinese (Not Asians.... specifically the Chinese??? for some reason. He makes that distinction) and Blacks and Latinos I think he just doesn't say it, he just says other things like "bluh bluh bluh culture bluh bluh bluh iq" but I always shut it down before it can go anywhere. Still, it always makes him furious for some reason that I don't buy it and he calls me a snowflake and I'm just...ugh.

Most of the time when *disagree I let it go but I feel calling out prejudice like this is a hill worth dying on but IDK it's so fucking awkward and makes our relationship more tense. Should I keep calling him out, or do I just let him go?

TL;DR: Sometimes my Dad says racist shit that he doesn't think is racist, and when I call him out it makes him angry. I feel uncomfortable no matter what I decide to do. Should I continue to call him out, or is this something I should just let go?

Submitted July 05, 2019 at 08:12PM by Undaunted__Dante
My [22 M] Dad [55 M] gets mad when I call out his racist bullshit and I don't know if I should keep calling him out or just let it slide? My [22 M] Dad [55 M] gets mad when I call out his racist bullshit and I don't know if I should keep calling him out or just let it slide? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on July 06, 2019 Rating: 5

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