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GF [23/F] has been trying to compensate too hard since finding out I [23/F] still masturbate.

I've been with my girlfriend for a year. We've had a healthy sex life; we didn't fuck every day but around 4 or 5 days a week. At the beginning of this summer she got an internship where she works full time from 6 AM to 2 PM. I happen to work from 1 PM to 9 PM. Because she was usually tired or already in bed by the time I got home, our frequency when down to about twice a week. This didn't bother me, I was more worried about her being well rested for work than me getting off. When we'd go a few days without being intimate, I'd masturbate in between coming home from the gym and going to work.

A little while back we took a weekend trip to another city. On the way home we were listening to a podcast. Someone on the show made a joke about how often they masturbate, and my girlfriend asked in what sounded like a light-hearted tone when the last time I masturbated was. Thinking it wasn't a big deal, I told her Wednesday (it was a Sunday when she asked). She became very upset at this. While she conceded that she knew it was normal for me to do, she now felt like she wasn't enough for me. I insisted that this wasn't true and that I loved her no matter how often we had sex. After talking about it a bit more, it seemed like everything was fine.

Since this conversation, she has been initiating sex with me every single day. She will wait until I get home specifically to fuck before going to bed. Honestly, I don't really enjoy having sex this often. Sometimes I come home tired and I just want to relax for a bit before I start getting ready for bed myself. I feel like my girlfriend isn't actually over the fact that I masturbate and is trying to make sure that I don't have a reason to. Am I wrong to suspect that's actually what's going on? I worry that if I bring this up it will make my girlfriend feel like I'm not attracted to her as much anymore, which isn't true. I also feel like a loser for complaining about my sex life being too active in the first place.

TL;DR my girlfriend casually asked me when the last time I masturbated was and since then has been trying to have sex with me every single day. I believe she is only doing this to keep me from masturbating. How do I tell her I don't want to do that while not hurting her feelings?

Submitted July 26, 2019 at 01:23PM by undead_bedroom
GF [23/F] has been trying to compensate too hard since finding out I [23/F] still masturbate. GF [23/F] has been trying to compensate too hard since finding out I [23/F] still masturbate. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on July 26, 2019 Rating: 5

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