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My [28F] entire in-laws family [18-80M/F] of very British, picky eaters are visiting Korea for our wedding

My fiancé [30M] and I [28F] are getting married in Korea this summer, and his entire family is traveling over for the event. This includes his parents, grandfather, cousins, aunts and uncles. For many of them, this will be their first time flying overseas and leaving Europe.

One of the reasons I love my fiancé is his open-mindedness and willingness to try new things, but that doesn't extend to his family - especially when it comes to food. (Basically for everything else, his family has been extremely supportive and welcoming, they are just very set in their ways when it comes to food).

To describe my MIL's cooking style, it is extremely old-school British. She boils all of her vegetables until they are able to be cut with a spoon, does not use any spices or salt during cooking, and refuses to eat meat that is less than well done. They also do not use garlic or onion in their cooking because it is deemed too spicy.

The rest of my fiancé's family is just as picky when it comes to food. His grandfather was very apprehensive to try some crisps I bought because they were 'Salt and Black Pepper' flavour since that was too exotic. The only vegetables his cousins will eat are peas and carrots. I think this gives you a good picture of what type of foods they are comfortable with eating.

I've cooked for their family multiple times, but I've only ever cooked British style food for them, knowing their taste preferences. The only time I tried to make something different was when I made duck, and a lot of them refused to even try it, and the ones that did REALLY didn't like it. If you are familiar with any sort of Korean cooking you'll know that it is chock full of red pepper paste, garlic, and seaweed - all things they would refuse to even have a bite of.

The major issue is that I feel like this is going to spoil their trip to Korea. They are going to be visiting for 2-3 weeks, so they won't be able to solely eat what little western food is available. Even what I consider extremely safe options (Korean fried chicken, Isaac toast) is too different for their palates. I also don't want to spend my wedding worrying about them and if they're going to collapse from hunger.

Please let me know what I should do about this! Would it be tactful to ask them to pack some foods to bring with them, etc?

TL;DR: My extremely British, plain-eating in-laws family are traveling to Korea to visit and I'm worried that they will not be able to eat anything!

Submitted May 28, 2019 at 03:29AM by Separate_Definition
My [28F] entire in-laws family [18-80M/F] of very British, picky eaters are visiting Korea for our wedding My [28F] entire in-laws family [18-80M/F] of very British, picky eaters are visiting Korea for our wedding Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on May 28, 2019 Rating: 5

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