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My [21F] brother in law [21M] lives with my boyfriend [24M] and I and we continually have problems

Where do I begin? It's a multitude of problems we've had even since day one. My brother in law moved in with my boyfriend and I temporarily. He's from another country and decided he wanted to come back to our country to start fresh and my boyfriend offered him to stay with us. The first problem we were having was he didn't do anything the first few months. He would play on my boyfriends PC but stack up dishes and leave trash everywhere. He would also eat out whole fridge out when he was bored. He didn't want to work the first few months because he wanted to work at this clothing store for its discounts. He had really bad anger issues that if we suggested a job then he would get upset and leave the house.

After he finally got a job he got a girlfriend but it was not a healthy relationship at all. She didn't like me and would even ignore me if I tried making conversation. I didn't mind her at the house that much until she started sleeping over and every night was them arguing and slamming doors at 3am. One night when she was crying, I tried to comfort her since my brother in law didn't care. We became very close and I was told that he told her I called her "fatass" and all sorts of horrible names I never said. I also found out through her that he would always talk about me a lot and it upset her. Also going to the exact same restaurants and places the same exact day if i posted it to my story on Snapchat.

His girlfriend became his ex but her and I are really close friends to this day. I started having a different view of him after finding out that he was physically abusive towards her and cheated on her with multiple women. I only distance myself from him but didn't want a close relationship. So we just went about our routines as if we're both invisible. We've gotten into arguments where he would come in our bedroom and take my Nintendo switch without asking. He would deny he took it and it would magically be returned later. I have a strict rule of no one also coming in our bedroom. I've come home early multiple times and he would have girls in our bedroom to show them my pet guinea pigs but I'd get upset and tell him not to. He says I'm overreacting and we argued to the point that he just called me a bitch and to just lock my door then.

Every day I get upset also because I work at 4am and have to get up at 2:30am to get ready. He'll blast music or talk to people on the phone on speaker all night and when I tell him if he can be quiet he'll get upset. My boyfriend talked to him about it and he'll be quiet for about 2 days and it'll start back up again. There's been weeks and still do get about 10-12 hours of sleep in 5 days.

Recently he almost got kicked out becaue he took my boyfriends car while we were sleeping early morning. He does not have a license, just a permit and took the keys and didn't return the car until night. When we talked to him about it then he just started crying that he has no friends in this country and just wanted to take his friend out. We told him to just take an uber out but he said it's too early in the morning but there's no closing time for Uber?? My boyfriend called his mom about me wanting to possibly kick him out if he does something drastic again and she was upset and said you can't do that to family.

I'm tired of problems almost everyday. My boyfriend promised that if something happens again that he'll kick him out despite what his family thinks or get a ticket to send him back home. The excuses I hear are just that he is family and that he is the youngest. Am I overreacting or is it okay to just kick him out immediately if he does something again? I'm also unsure what to do because my boyfriends family and I get along great and I've even visited them but I'm scared my brother in law is just going to lie to them about me just like his ex.

TL;DR: My boyfriends brother and I have multiple problems since living with my us. He doesn't take it seriously or gets mad and I want to kick him out.

Submitted May 28, 2019 at 05:15AM by 3ishakaurrr
My [21F] brother in law [21M] lives with my boyfriend [24M] and I and we continually have problems My [21F] brother in law [21M] lives with my boyfriend [24M] and I and we continually have problems Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on May 28, 2019 Rating: 5

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