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[NSFW] I [26F] found videos that my boyfriend [28M] promised he would delete of his ex saved as a draft in his email.

We have been together 7 months now. Earlier this year I was borrowing my boyfriend’s computer and I found pictures of him and his ex along with videos of the two of them having sex and some of her using a dildo. He claimed he forgot they were on there and agreed to delete them. A month later and he still hadn’t so I deleted them myself. I asked if he still had any feelings for her and he said no that he just doesn’t think of her or the videos.

I didn’t feel the need to snoop or distrust him until I found those photos. I’m definitely not proud of myself and I don’t feel good about it but I’ve gone through his computer twice since that happened. The first time I found out that he was still paying for his tinder account. I confronted him about it and he said he didn’t realize it and thanked me so he could end the payments. The second time was this afternoon. I found out that two weeks ago, he’d turned on his old phone and sent videos of his ex to his email and saved them as a draft. I want to confront him about the videos but at this point, there isn’t a excuse that justifies it. How big of a deal is this really? I don’t mind if he watches porn, but I don’t want it to be of someone he had feelings for. I want to ask him to give me the password to his old phone so I can see if he’s still using Tinder, but is that over the top on my part?

I want things to work with us. I love this man and he treats me amazing. He’s never given me any reason not to trust him aside from what I’ve said above. We live together and there is no part of me that wants things to end. I guess I just need advice in general on how to handle this.

TLDR- Boyfriend sent videos of his ex from an old phone to his email that he specifically told me he would delete. How do I react?

Submitted November 30, 2018 at 09:43AM by throwaway172398
[NSFW] I [26F] found videos that my boyfriend [28M] promised he would delete of his ex saved as a draft in his email. [NSFW] I [26F] found videos that my boyfriend [28M] promised he would delete of his ex saved as a draft in his email. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on December 01, 2018 Rating: 5

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