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So my boyfriend [40/M] told me [30/F] that adults dressing up at work, on Halloween, is immature, dumb, and unprofessional. I dressed up today and am very hurt. Am I overreacting?

I dressed up today at work and actually had fun. I work in a professional environment, but they encourage parties, dressing up, and things like that at events and holidays. I've had a bad few weeks. One of my parents passed away. It was nice to let loose and have fun.

I came home to my boyfriend. I asked him if anyone at his work dressed up. He said "No, because people in my office are actually professional. I think adults dressing up is juvenile, immature, and dumb." (Keep in mind, I make the close to the SAME amount of money as him [within 6%], and have an equivalent position. We work in the same field)

He said this to me as I'm sitting there in my costume. I got really offended and we started fighting. His idea of a fun Halloween is sitting home and watching the news, and judging anyone who is actually having fun?!

I don't believe the problem is our age difference. I know people older than him who throw Halloween parties and love to dress up. Also, he and I have been together a year.

I'm so sad over this. I'm sitting on the couch crying. We have been fighting on and off for hours. Am I overreacting? I just feel judged and hurt.

TL;DR: My boyfriend indirectly said I was unprofessional for dressing up today at work. I feel really hurt and offended. Am I overreacting?

Submitted October 31, 2018 at 09:26PM by OrangePeanut01
So my boyfriend [40/M] told me [30/F] that adults dressing up at work, on Halloween, is immature, dumb, and unprofessional. I dressed up today and am very hurt. Am I overreacting? So my boyfriend [40/M] told me [30/F] that adults dressing up at work, on Halloween, is immature, dumb, and unprofessional. I dressed up today and am very hurt. Am I overreacting? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on November 01, 2018 Rating: 5

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