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Is my boyfriend’s suggestion that porn would help our sex life a red flag?

I’m 20F, my boyfriend is 26M. We met at work and were best friends, and eventually decided to try dating and fell in love. He’s one of the kindest, most loving people I’ve ever met, and I’m so grateful to have him. We’re now long-distance (8 hours) and recently became sexually active. He’s experienced, but I’m not. I’ve found the sex to be deeply underwhelming; I’m never in pain or uncomfortable, but I don’t experience any pleasure and orgasm is out of the question. It came up that I don’t fantasize during sex or masturbation. He said that this sounds “miserable”. Recently he suggested that I should watch porn to “give my imagination a little juice”. I don’t like porn; no moral compunctions, just not my thing. I became inexplicably furious when he suggested this; I was confused by my own anger, as I couldn’t think of a reason this would make me angry. I talked to my best friend, who is much more experienced than I am, and she warned that his leap to porn as a solution is a massive red flag that indicates he’s willing to put the blame solely on me instead of building intimacy in our relationship, and that my anger likely stemmed from his oversimplification and blame. She has never met my bf. Is she right? Is this a red flag that I need to have a serious talk with him about? Or am I overthinking this? This is my first serious relationship and I don’t know what to do. Any advice would be much appreciated. via /r/TrollRelationships
Is my boyfriend’s suggestion that porn would help our sex life a red flag? Is my boyfriend’s suggestion that porn would help our sex life a red flag? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on November 28, 2018 Rating: 5

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