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I [M23] have been with my girlfriend [F22] for about a year and a half and am looking for advice on how to get out of my own head on a super minor physical thing about her.

I don't want this post to come across as body-shaming, so let me be clear from the very start - this is a me problem, not a her problem.

I have been dating my girlfriend for about a year and a half, and she is absolutely wonderful. Our personalities mesh incredibly well, we practically never fight, we have so much fun together, we have physical chemistry, and we have similar values and priorities in life. In short, I am incredibly lucky. I don't know if a year and a half is too early to say this kind of thing, but I really do see myself with her for the long haul. She has indicated she has similar aspirations for our relationship.

So ultimately, this issue is so stupid and silly - even if none of you offer a good solution, things will probably be fine. But if one of you does have a solution to my dumb mental hang-up, things could be essentially perfect.

My girlfriend, as beautiful as she is, has the genetics to make her a somewhat hairier individual. She knows this and is naturally slightly insecure about it. For the most part, this doesn't faze me in the slightest. She never shaves her legs and instead just wears pants and such all the time - I don't mind in the slightest. She sometimes lets her armpit hair grow out and this doesn't bother me even a little bit either.

For some reason, the one thing that has been distracting me and getting in my head a little is that she has a noticeable amount of hair all over her stomach. Now, for any women reading this who might be getting insecure about their own hair - please don't - as I understand it, this is not abnormal especially for women of certain ethnicities, and it's honestly no big deal.

(Just in case anyone brings it up - yes, she has thought about things like laser hair removal, but that's probably years down the road, if it ever happens)

So what's the problem here? Me. The details were probably unnecessary because the real issue here is that there is this relatively minor physical thing that for some reason my dumb brain has decided to fixate on. It distracts me and undermines my attention and enjoyment of our time together when we might just be lounging around not fully clothed. Honestly I'm not sure exactly how to describe the effect it has on me, I'm not sure if there's a word for it, but I'll just go with "very very distracting."

If your response to this is "just get over it, dude," then I entirely agree with you. That's all I want to do. That's my question here - how do I get out of my own head and not let this super minor thing distract me? How do I get to the point where this doesn't faze me? Have any of you successfully gotten over a minor detail or quirk about an SO that you were previously hung up on?

TL;DR - I found the perfect girlfriend for me, but my dumb brain keeps fixating on a ridiculously minor physical detail. How do I work on myself to just get over this?

Submitted November 02, 2018 at 09:57AM by RebelTransmission
I [M23] have been with my girlfriend [F22] for about a year and a half and am looking for advice on how to get out of my own head on a super minor physical thing about her. I [M23] have been with my girlfriend [F22] for about a year and a half and am looking for advice on how to get out of my own head on a super minor physical thing about her. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on November 02, 2018 Rating: 5

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