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I [22/F] ran into my co-worker [35/M] at the gym. Our other co-worker [50's?/F] attends the same gym and told his wife she saw us flirting.

I want to start off by apologizing because I am so livid. I'm kind of writing this in a huff. Second, I did NOT flirt with my co-worker. I've worked at this new company for about a year. Everyone has been here for a very long time, they're all like family. I've never had an issue with anyone, we all get along well. However, I always thought one female co-worker, J, never liked me. She was so rude on the first day, and is a rude person in general. She's been here seven years, so maybe everyone else likes her, but I don't find her to be polite or kind at all. I tried to put it off as that's just her personality. Sometimes she's nice, but most the time she is not.

I get along with my male co-worker, D, because he is the youngest so I think we have more common interests than other co-workers. He always buys me coffee when offered, but will offer it to everyone- not just me. I don't know D very well, but I do know loves his wife and two daughters. He is a family man is always sharing photos.

Most people that work here go to the same gym because we live and work close to it. So it is not uncommon for anyone to run into each other. I'm usually on the treadmill but just started weight training. I'm a novice at this, so any help is appreciated when anyone comes up to me. J is always on the treadmill and it faces the weight area. So you can easily see people and what they're doing.

I was attempting to lift some weights when D approached me. He let me know my form was wrong and I would hurt myself if I kept doing it incorrectly. He showed me how to properly do it and watched me do a few to make sure I was doing it properly. He didn't touch me or stare at my bottom, or anything along the lines of sexual/flirtatious. After he helped me, we briefly chatted and showed me what his daughter got for her birthday and how happy she was to have her pink tent. All I said was "that's so cute!" It was a photo of her and her baby sister in the tent. Somehow J made this into something else with D's wife.

Today D pulled me aside and asked if I had feelings or was interested in flirting with him. What??? No. No no. I have a boyfriend, who I love, and I know D loves him family. I'm not interested in him. I explained this to him and he went on to tell me that J texted his wife we were flirting and now his wife is upset and wants him out of the house for the rest of the week. I apologized and told him I don't know what to do. Earlier this afternoon his wife came in with their daughters to say hi to everyone, but she was dropping off some of his stuff. She was shooting me dirty looks the entire time. She went into J's office to talk for about 45 minutes.

I feel so horrible. I was not flirting nor did I ever have intention. I really don't understand how she thought we were flirting or sexualizing a weight lift. I wasn't even bending over in front of him or wearing anything revealing. The best part.. I can't go to HR because she is HR. Great. What do I do?

TL;DR: I ran into my male co-worker at the gym. He helped me lift a weight properly because my form was incorrect. Our other female co-worker was there and texted his wife we were flirting and being sexual even though we were not. His wife is now upset and asked him to leave the house. Other female is HR. Not sure how to handle this.

Submitted July 31, 2018 at 04:06PM by tatertot2008
I [22/F] ran into my co-worker [35/M] at the gym. Our other co-worker [50's?/F] attends the same gym and told his wife she saw us flirting. I [22/F] ran into my co-worker [35/M] at the gym. Our other co-worker [50's?/F] attends the same gym and told his wife she saw us flirting. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on August 01, 2018 Rating: 5

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