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I [18F] found out my brother [24M] revealed my plan to leave to my abusive parents after he offered to help me plan how to move out

TL;DR my brother who helped me plan how to move out for a couple years finally stabbed me in the back all over again by revealing my secrets to my abusive parents about me trying to leave home and last minute I pretended he misunderstood and over exaggerated.

I'm 18 living in a home full of abuse and drugs. I have planned to leave and confided in my brother and sister in law. My parents don't have proof that I'm still with my boyfriend of 3 years who has helped me through everything. My manipulative alcoholic mom abuses psychedelics, narcotics and other illegal drugs. She beat me and my brother when we were little. For years I've been dreaming to get out. My brother and SIL like my boyfriend and they advocated me leaving, even invited me to stay with them. For a couple years before he married his wife, he helped me plan how to leave my abusive home.

First they offered to let me stay with them, then when the time got close to leave, they wouldn't let me because they didn't want to disrupt their marriage or support me even though I offered to pay for my own food and share of the rent. They were involved in planning to help me get an apartment, then each time we talked about it, my brother brought up a new issue. He completely changed the plan each time to waiting until he said he would rather I transfer to UTA to get a dorm and rely on my mom for the next 3 years.

Ever since he married his wife, he changed. He became a Christian, believed my mom deserved multiple chances no matter the abuse she put us through. He made excuses for her abusing me when just before he married my SIL a few months ago, he believed my mom was genuinely messed up and wanted to help me get out. He even told my parents that I'm "lazy, stupid, entitled and rude" and offered to help my mom illegally buy drugs. My brother got out easy because his biological dad called CPS and took shared custody of him at age 7.

Yesterday my brother called my parents saying he was "worried about me and was willing to risk our relationship to tell them something". He told them about everything I confided in him and my SIL. She even told him the things I told her yesterday. Even mentioning my boyfriend who is Mexican to my racist parents which was unnecessary. I managed to convince my parents that he took things too seriously and over exaggerated so for now things are somewhat calm and they believe when I said I'm not with him. I trusted them to keep my secrets and to help me get out. I love my brother but this hurt and I'm not sure if I can trust him again. Today is his birthday and I didn't want to text him. I did anyway so he doesn't see that he put me at a disadvantage and doesn't continue to say that I'm not ready to move out over illogical things like my mom. I'm not sure how to continue from here or what else he could do. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Submitted August 29, 2018 at 02:29PM by KatOfTheEssence
I [18F] found out my brother [24M] revealed my plan to leave to my abusive parents after he offered to help me plan how to move out I [18F] found out my brother [24M] revealed my plan to leave to my abusive parents after he offered to help me plan how to move out Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on August 29, 2018 Rating: 5

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