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My (31f) bf (37m) said some out of character things while on drugs against his will

My bf of three months has been awesome so far. He is so nice and caring, always doing nice things for me, he is in the medical field and very smart. He’s funny and we like all the same things. After being in a physically and emotionally abusive relationship, he’s been very good for my mental health. He knows about it and is very supportive.

We went to a party this weekend and he was acting soooo much drunker than what he consumed, I thought it was bizarre. He was slurring his words, could barely stand.

I had invited my guy friend I met a few weeks ago to the party. We had a mutual friend and he lives on another coast but was in town that day, so I casually said come to this party and told my bf he was gonna show up. We have hung out with his friends that are girls before so I thought nothing of it.

As soon as my friend gets go the party, my bf gets uncharacteristically pissed and calls an Uber. I’m like….uhhhh…wtf? Do you want me to come with you? And he tells me if I don’t go with him he’ll never talk to me again, so I jump in the car.

When we get back to his place he starts telling me how inviting a guy he didn’t know was a wh*** move and I’m a sl****. I told him sternly that he knows I was in an abusive relationship and I will not stand for this kind of talk and we will be breaking up after this. He essentially goes on this rant about how with the way I’m acting maybe I deserved it and my dad is a pansy for not protecting me from my ex. so I just sleep on his couch in complete shock that he’s actually secretly a dick.

The next morning he’s acting like he doesn’t remember a single thing, I’m thinking “typical abuser move” to myself and I don’t even mention what he said because I’m so done at this point. So I just say I have to go and I’m getting ready to just full on ghost.

Long story short since he’s in the medical field, turns out he was drugged with GHB, which is known as the date r*** drug. He send a me proof of this.

He does not remember anything he said to me, and so I was worried maybe it was like drinking where the truth comes out, but come to find out after googling more info, it can actually just make you out of your mind and say/do things you don’t mean.

So what should I do? On the one hand, I feel bad he was the victim of a drugging. He really hasn’t felt right since then physically. On the other hand, what he said is bothering me. Do I bring it up? I actually recorded part of the conversation so that he could hear back what a jerk he was. Do I play it for him? Do I just let it go?

Tl;dr my bf was given ghb And said horrible things to me when he was blacked out

Submitted July 11, 2022 at 09:19PM by jdjdndjxjxn
My (31f) bf (37m) said some out of character things while on drugs against his will My (31f) bf (37m) said some out of character things while on drugs against his will Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on July 12, 2022 Rating: 5

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