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my sister (14F) is out of control what do I do?(17f)

over the past year or so my younger sister's behaviour is getting worse and worse and it is slowly destroying my family's mental health and relationships with one another.

she has started to make up every excuse under the sun not to go to school so she can just sit on her phone and facetime her friends all day. It has gotten to the point where the school will need to contact the authorities about her absence which is causing extreme stress on my mum(50) who is working long hours currently. when confronted about anything my sister screams and yells at us recently she has begun getting violent towards me and blaming everything on me or someone else eg lost AirPods on the people who installed new blinds in the house.

another thing she does is bring up my past struggles with mental health and try and discount them calling me stupid etc. usually my stepdad(51) is there to help out but he is currently overseas for five weeks. overall she is just extremely combative to us trying to help her in any way even things as tiny as her not finding socks in the morning can set her off into one of her screaming rages.

TL;DR my sister's (14F) anger is out of control it is slowly destroying us and we don't know what to do

Submitted May 27, 2022 at 07:44PM by bigboimilo
my sister (14F) is out of control what do I do?(17f) my sister (14F) is out of control what do I do?(17f) Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on May 28, 2022 Rating: 5

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