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SIL said I should leave their house because a friend was visiting, I felt disrespected

Back story- I recently lost my Dad, we were super close. My brother and SIL recently bought a new home and we decided it would be good for mom if we all stayed together as a family for a few months. I only stayed with them because of mom, I had no intention of living there. I also paid my share of everything include rent. All but the last month when I was gonna stay there for all of 5-ish days before moving into my apartment.

My SIL emotionally cheated on my brother last year. She told me about it, idk why. But basically it was how she met him and felt like she was in love with him. Eventually the guy stopped talking because he is married as well.

It hurt and bothered me a LOT that she would do this to my brother, especially now when he is going through a lot with losing dad. I was already in a bad place mentally. So I told my brother about it because he is my priority. After that she totally flipped the story and said none of it happened and that she lied for attention.

Now on to the matter at hand- I had traveled to India to drop my mom (we live in the US) home. I got back and was super jet lagged and tired. I also had very busy work days, leave early and back late.

My SIL barely made any effort to talk to me or be warm to me or even make eye contact. She had a friend visiting them 2 days after I was back. I had already said that I'll be leaving to stay with my friend the day her friend was coming home. But my SIL basically said that I should leave before the friend got home. She asked if there was a chance if that wouldn't happen and if I could go stay with someone else in that case. I felt offended that I just got there and she made it clear she didn't want me around. She said she didn't want her friend to share the bathroom with me (I'm not messy). I said I'll confirm if I can leave early. Btw, they have a 4 beds, 2.5 baths, 2688 sq. ft. house.

She also kept asking me to book movers soon to leave their house, and that she wouldn't keep my couch a day longer than the day I would get keys to my new apartment. This is my couch that they have been using for over a year along with a bunch of my furniture and kitchen stuff. But now that they have their couch coming, she said I should figure out what to do with mine.

Later that night, I was still out for work at 10:30pm, she messaged asking me to pack all my stuff up because guests were coming home the next day. These were things in my room, like my suitcase and towel. She asked me to put my footwear in the garage as well. This was the night before she wanted me to leave.

I had to leave early for work next day, she had already asked me to be out of the house before the friend arrived, and now she wanted me to pack everything up. I wouldn't have had the time to do it. But by this point I had reached my limit. I was so furious at being disrespected so much that I called her out on it and yelled at her and she yelled back and it was an ugly fight. My brother took her side, mom took mine.

I haven't been back home since that night, it's been 7days. Any advice on how I can deal with this situation? Was I wrong for my outburst?

tldr: SIL asked me to gtfo of her house because she didn't want me around when her friend visited them for a few days and didn't want me to share the bathroom because she "prioritizes" her friends. I was leaving anyway, but she asked me to leave before they even got home and I felt disrespected and fought. Now our relationship may be beyond repair. Was I out of line or was she?

Submitted May 24, 2022 at 06:39PM by lulubeesbees
SIL said I should leave their house because a friend was visiting, I felt disrespected SIL said I should leave their house because a friend was visiting, I felt disrespected Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on May 25, 2022 Rating: 5

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