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My(38F) BF (46M) of 8 months turns into a different, patronizing person over music

My BF and I have a very balanced, fun relationship with the best communication I've ever experienced with a partner. Our relationship and connection is amazing..

...until music comes up.

Music is a big part of his life, and also how we met. He goes to concerts every chance he gets, plays a few instruments, and spends most of his spare time listening to albums.

If I dare make a comment about music, he turns into a different person. "Oooh, I really like this song" gets comments about why it's crud and has no artistic merit. When I stand my ground and remind him I'm allowed to enjoy different things, I'm reminded I don't listen to music the "right" way, don't take it seriously enough, and he can disagree when he wants because he knows more and can critique music better than me.

I just like the damn song. This has happened so many times that I feel like I can't dare make a comment even in passing about music, or send a meme about a song, because I know it will leave me feeling awful.

I don't get how a usually gentle, reasonable person can turn into a childish, contrarian person who justifies belittling me the second a certain topic comes up.

If there were other red flags, I'd run. I'm willing to give it another shot at putting an end to this before giving up. I ask you, wise reddit, what's up with this and do you have advice?

TL;DR: BF and I have mutual respect and open communication until the topic of music comes up. Is there a way I can help him understand why this isn't ok?

Submitted May 26, 2022 at 10:40PM by juliakay255
My(38F) BF (46M) of 8 months turns into a different, patronizing person over music My(38F) BF (46M) of 8 months turns into a different, patronizing person over music Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on May 27, 2022 Rating: 5

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