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Husband (33m) coworker/new friend( 28F) is wanting his kids

Me 30F(Mary) have been married to my husband (Jim) 33M for 4 years now. We met through a mutual and instantly clicked, we always been open and honest and as I far I know we’ve never had many issues. We would argue every once in awhile but the most part we’ve been happy.

( beginning 2020 pre-COVID) He met Hailey(28F) 2 years ago. At first I didn’t have any issue with them being friends as she just a work friend. He talk to her every once and while, he would let me know ( I never ask, he would tell) plus she’s lesbian.

I guess over the pandemic they grew closer due to their work environment limiting the amount of workers due to COVID, a lot of people would work in teams. You stick with that team for safety reasons. Pre-Covid it was group setting everyone communicated/interacted. Their team consisted of them two plus two others(4 total). I never asked how they got paired, I assumed it was random and they got lucky.

They friendship has blossomed. To the point we’re they have started to hang out outside of work and talk on a more regular basis. Again didn’t bother me, I’ve seen their text is a bit flirty but nothing crazy. She ask him about girls and let him about girls she’s talking to. Which I thought was but weird but then again she’s lesbian probably wanted girl advice. Hailey later on got a girlfriend using his advice.

( fall 2021) Fast forward to present day, they are now nearly inseparable. She’s call him her best friends and he calls her a good friend. Constant communication, he tells her everything and vise versa. It’s gotten the point we’re I’m starting to become uncomfortable with how close they are. I’ve met Hailey a couple times, she’s never been rude to me or anything in the past.

She’s is now married and I don’t think her wife sees an issue with their closeness. But then again I’ve hardly interacted with so I’m not the best judge of that. Hailey had a family bbq which included Me, My Husband, Hailey and her wife plus a couple of their coworkers and i asked if I can invite some girls sense I didn’t really know his coworkers like that. I’ve always known they were close but actually seen it in the action.

During the BBQ, I guess my husband mentioned that we’re thinking of starting a family and might start soon. For the rest of the night noticed that she hadn’t really said anything to me but brushed it off thinking she’s busy hosting. One of my friends (Sarah) let me know that when she went inside to get a drink and noticed Hailey sitting on his lap rubbing his hair. So she went to one the coworker I guess to get some intel. He didn’t who she was so he kind to her everything plus it didn’t seem like was much of hers anyways. But according to him she’s been like this him throughout the whole BBQ .

She’s got a bit drunk and heavily started being touchy with him. Any given opportunity she would get, then I realized I hadn’t really talk him sense we’ve arrived and that his been with his coworkers the whole night. I overheard one the coworkers make a joke towards them “your lucky shes gay cause my would have killed me if saw me doing this”. They all seemed to have laugh it off.

I didn’t want to seem like a jealous wife so I brushed off. Telling myself she’s lesbian, married and she’s not interest, its my head. I noticed that ever sense the BBQ, it’s almost like she’s actively avoiding me and when I asked him about it, he said he hadn’t noticed a change in her behavior. So I asked him invite Hailey and wife over sense i wanted to know the other spouse better, like couple friends. He didn’t seem to have an issue it.

When she came I noticed that she was acting weird like she’s was almost competing with me. For example, when it came time to eat, I told my husband I make his plate for him like always do and she beat to the punch, so I gave the plate i made to her wife. As I’m walking the table sit next she almost b lined to get the seat. Her wife and gave me the you see it too look. Anyways dinner was fine until the topic of kids came up.

She asked me if I was pregnant to which I replied no. But we have discussed wanting to start a family soon. Which she replied I know we’ve talked to me about starting soon. I thought she meant her and her wife(kacey). If they wanted to adopt. To kacey said she wanted to but Hailey want to carry. Hailey mentioned how they looked into donors but was skeptical due lack of knowledge regarding medical history.

I guess they had a drunken conversation at the BBQ regarding kids. She jokingly said he would be the perfect donors due to their friendship and he play uncle role. Kinda play be a father role as the fun uncle.

Anyways, at dinner she mentioned how he offered to be their donors after that it kind got awkward so kacey changed the subject. Dinner ended early due to Hailey not feeling well.

TL;DR I honestly don’t know what to do, I’m personally not comfortable with the idea of another carrying my husband child before me and my future kids having a random half sibling.

Submitted May 30, 2022 at 08:25PM by Throwawayblueberry42
Husband (33m) coworker/new friend( 28F) is wanting his kids Husband (33m) coworker/new friend( 28F) is wanting his kids Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on May 31, 2022 Rating: 5

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