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My (16M) mom has been worrying me

tldr: Mom has lost all trust for me after finding out I am sexually active. She secretly checks my room and personal spaces (messages included). She has begun convincing herself of delusions.

My mom has recently been very worrying. A month ago, she had realized I am sexually active. This lead to a lot of discussions, all of which seemed to only display her disappointment in me. This disappointment was only because I didn't save until University and not much else.

Since then, she's been completely distrustful of everything I do. I've caught her flipping my room upside down looking for things, and I've found hints that my personal messages were looked through. I've explained the importance of my privacy to her, but it's tough. The same mantra is reiterated where I do not have privacy until I move out. When I speak of moving out however, this is frowned upon?

To make matters worse, she's slowly becoming delusional. It honestly worries me and I don't know what to do. Today I went to a local park to hang out with friends, but my mom thought I was being untruthful.

She saw a man that looked similar to me waiting in a bus stop 10KM away from where I really was. She fully believed this was me. Instead of asking me at that moment, she waited a few hours and decided to unexpectedly surprise me by picking me up. I was planning on staying longer but she cut that short. She accused me of lying, being nearly in tears. Saying how she is 100% confident that I am lying of where I was today, and that I was out doing nefarious things. I showed her solid evidence that I was not there at that exact moment, and proved it impossible for me to even be there. This was all denied by her

This night I stayed up a little bit. I caught her trying to enter my room with no reason at 3AM. I don't understand what I did to betray her trust like this, and I would like tips on how to regain trust

In the past month, I've been giving her detailed updates on where I am at all times. What I'm doing, who I'm with. I make sure to take videos and pictures. I've been as honest as possible and have not betrayed her trust, but she only progresses south each day.

Advice on how to help this situation, and regain trust?

Submitted May 15, 2022 at 01:20AM by throwaway060406se
My (16M) mom has been worrying me My (16M) mom has been worrying me Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on May 15, 2022 Rating: 5

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