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I (17F) broke up with my boyfriend (18M) yesterday. Did I make a mistake?

Me and my bf had been dating for a little over six months. Our relationship was very solid and healthy, and although there were a few things I'd change, we were happy. We went on dates all the time, shared hobbies and interests, were emotionally vulnerable with each other, and almost always had a good time.

However, we both recognized the fact that our relationship was probably not going to have a happy ending. We're both going to different colleges, which are about five hours away from each other, and had previously agreed that we both did not want a LDR. However, he did clarify that he wanted to talk more about it later when college was closer.

Throughout our relationship I have had the urge to end things a couple times, but I can be a fairly impulsive person so I ignored these urges. We had a few problems, like how reliant he was on his mom and how I wished he was more communicative and mature, but these were never huge issues, and he was always willing to work on anything I asked him to.

Recently we both graduated high school. With this past week of freedom reminding me of how much fun this summer could be, I got a wild hair to end things with him. After all, I figured if I didn't do it now I'd just have to do it later. I didn't think it would take me long to get over it, or that it would hurt very bad. I was wrong.

I drove over to his house last night and he immediately knew something was up. I started crying and we sat and talked about it. I told him that I thought it might be best to just rip the bandaid off now. He was sobbing and so was I. He told me all kinds of sweet things like how I was his best friend, how he'd never cried in front of anyone before, and how he'd never loved anyone like he loved me.

Once he and I had stopped crying, he asked if we could do a couple things for the last time. We had breakup sex (not my proudest moment) and then we were both crying and holding each other again. He walked me to my car and we kissed and cried and then I left.

He's been texting me the sweetest and saddest things all day and I don't know if I can take anymore.

I've been a mess ever since. I didn't realize how much I love him. I don't know if I can handle this, and I'm not sure if I made the right choice. Should I have broken up with him and would it be stupid to get back together with him?

tldr: I broke up with my wonderful boyfriend so I could try to get over him during the summer before leaving for college. Now I am heartbroken. Did I make the wrong choice?

Submitted May 15, 2022 at 11:46PM by stellaisheretostay
I (17F) broke up with my boyfriend (18M) yesterday. Did I make a mistake? I (17F) broke up with my boyfriend (18M) yesterday. Did I make a mistake? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on May 16, 2022 Rating: 5

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