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What is going on with my cousin (30F) and me (31F) advice please

I finished writing this and wow, sorry lol it’s long. We are usually really close, we grew up always together; sleepovers, birthday parties..etc. We became pretty inseparable in the last few years as well. Both of us working towards life goals and wanting families. She finished nursing school 2 or three years ago, and I’ll be graduating Respiratory Therapy school on Tuesday (beyond excited). We’d talk about working in the same hospital and just excited about it all in the beginning. Things recently really changed.

We used to drink a lot and talk about our dates with guys and be a little crazy. I became very into my faith last year and cut back the drinking and dead-end dating and partying. I still LOVE hanging out and being crazy and fun, just more sober now. So that kinda shifted our dynamic.

Now, I know we are both beautiful in our own way, but this has gotten a little draining: every time we are hanging out she’s always talking about how she’s a hot nurse and how she’s a catch and how much she’s so hot and how much she drinks and has a house. Constantly watching her own stories on IG, telling me she’s so pretty, what guy wouldn’t wanna be with her.

Ive always been fit, she’s been overweight the last few years and finally lost a lot of weight last year and rightfully is feeling good about herself, but I got annoyed the other day because I was telling her how I got this amazing once in a life time job offer and I’m not even graduated yet and she brushed it off to tell me she lost a few more pounds. I was hurt, but I moved on and said wow that’s good, I think you weigh less than me now! And she perks up and says: I BEAT you!? I beat you!? To where I respond taken aback, “beat me? I’m fine for my height (I’m tall). “ I was just like thinking…when did this become a competition. It was a gross behavior to me. I feel Im always encouraging of her and her accomplishments but she can never respond with joy when I’m doing something good in my life, my successes. I love her and I’m hurt by her disregard and put downs to make herself feel better. There’s one time she said, you should work out so you could look like me. Um what… I work out often but I also don’t have IG or would even post my workouts because I look gawd awful after them lol. (She posts hers all the time or a gym pic, my sister has IG.) And not only that, I feel I look healthier and def more toned and fit than her, not that I ever compared but at that moment it was such an offhand thing to say, I thought that in my head. But i said nothing.

Lately she has nothing nice to say to me yet requires a lot of validation and fishes for compliments all time and with my boards and final coming up and I also just found out I have a possible tumor (arterial myxoma) non cancerous in my heart I truly can’t deal with this and need advice or any feedback on what I should do or how to navigate this. What are your thoughts as an outsider.

I want to add that whenever I try to talk to her or confide in her she always texts or engages in her phone, but demands full attention when she has something to say. I’m wondering if she’s just narcissistic? Or what. I feel sad that I don’t have a true friend in her anymore.

TD:LR; cousin and I are close (or were) BFFs and lately she’s been increasingly negative towards me and a little self absorbed that’s it’s draining. What do I do?

Submitted May 28, 2022 at 12:14AM by Jessicamoocow
What is going on with my cousin (30F) and me (31F) advice please What is going on with my cousin (30F) and me (31F) advice please Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on May 28, 2022 Rating: 5

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