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do I have too high Standarts in a relationship because I don't like yelling?

Hello I (women 20) had a discussion with two of my friends (one is 22 and the other 24) and we talked about arguments in a relationship. I've told them that I don't want that my partner yells at me and don't cuss at me since I would never yell at someone either. I told them that I grew up with parents that never yelled at each other nor me.

And they think yelling in a relationship is normal and that yelling in unavoidable and if you really love your partner then it's absulutly normal and that I will never find someone wjo won't yell at me in an argument. But I was in 2 relationships and no one ever yelled at me. Of course you'll be louder in an argument if you feel unheard but not at the point of yelling.

In my opinion you can make your point clear in a calm way. And time out is also very important to calm down and reflect your own behavior. At the end of the day an argument is only won in a relationship when you found a compromise. But to that they just told me that I would run away from my problems if I need 30 minutes to collect myself in an argument before it escalate.

Well I won't break up with my partner if he yells at me one or two times. Those things can happen but it should be REALLY rare or only if I really messed up (cheating or something like that)

TL:DR My friends thinks yelling is normal in a relationship while I disagree with it. Do I have too high Standarts for thinking yelling in a relationship is a no go or do they just normalize messed up behaviors?

Submitted May 14, 2022 at 01:53AM by RoseMelina
do I have too high Standarts in a relationship because I don't like yelling? do I have too high Standarts in a relationship because I don't like yelling? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on May 14, 2022 Rating: 5

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