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UPDATE: I (F19) made out with my best friend (M19) in a vulnerable moment and now he's mad at me. What do i do?

Original post:

Since a ton of you we're just so kind and understanding and answered my post, I felt like I needed to update you guys. First, I just want to say thank you to everyone who answered, you're all the sweetest human beings and really helped me understand + reflect on the situation in a fair way <3

I ended up taking some time to myself to really reflect on what i feel/what i want and told him that I was just gonna need a day or so. Then, he came over, brought us our favourite ice cream lol, apologized and explained himself and his side of the story. He told me that the only reason why he was acting like that was because he was trying to push me away. He told me that he was afraid that it was just something i felt temporarily and was afraid that I made out with him because I felt bad and not because I truly had feelings for him. He explained how since he's not used to opening up and is always the "protective" one for everyone, he didnt know how to react to me taking care of him and kind of felt like everything was too good to be true. He's so cute lol he told me how this all feels like a dream and that he's waited for this moment for 1 and a half years and never thought it would actually happen. I explained how Ive had feelings for a while (obviously not as long as he has had feelings for me though) and that I was afraid of acting on them because of fear of ruining our bond and that I finally felt comfortable opening up about it in that moment because of how emotionally vulnerable and connected I felt to him in the moment. We went into just a really deep, emotional, beautiful and mature discussion about the situation and the way we feel about each other. He told me how even just listening to me talk about something im excited about assures him how much I mean to him and just spilled his emotions/all the things i do that he is "obsessed with" and ugh i wish i recorded all of it because this boy acts all tough but i swear he has the most pure soul of the entire world<3 I feel like we're so used to just always laughing, being dumb and doing fun things when we're together so it was just so amazing to be able to sit and reflect on how we've grown as best friends over the past 7 years and how we're both ready to take on something new together where our connection becomes deeper than that (when we were 12, if you told me that Justin and I would end up together id call you insane lol but here we are). We've honestly seen the other as physically attractive for years (before having actual emotional/romantic feelings) and now that we have both romantic and physical attraction towards each other, we knew what step we had to take. I feel like as much as we wanted to stay best friends to not ruin our relationship, now we cant even imagine ONLY being best friends because we're far more than that and someone who feels that emotionally connected and in awe of someone cant just stay friends with them. I can't wait to see where this journey takes us because I just know it's going to be a long, beautiful, indescribable ride. Btw our parents and friends are so insanely happy lol they're all like "finally we were waiting for this to happen" haha. I know we just started being in an actual relationship but it's already amazing. I've learned that sometimes you need to put fears aside and go for it, especially when someone who you care about so deeply is involved. It's literally like we're still the bestest friends ever but there's even extra things to it that make our bond even better. We've already built such an amazing foundation, bond, communication skills and openness throughout all the years of being best friends and as long as we continue to always treat each other that way, we're gonna be more than amazing:) We're both just really happy right now and the wait was worth it because we're 110% sure about the way we feel and just are so grateful for one another.

I just wanted to thank everyone for the amazing answers and so does he ( I showed him the post and he kept telling me that everyone who answered is "so smart" and said "i wish i could meet them all and say thank you" lol). We both really appreciate it. You guys really opened my eyes and let me see things from his perspective and I cant thank you all enough for that. Thank you all for the kind words and advice, you really helped me out a lot, it was so sweet to see how others that you dont even know are willing to help you out. This world is such a beautiful place, I hope you all have an amazing day and thanks again <3

TL;DR I am now in a relationship with my favourite person in the whole world:)

Submitted April 24, 2021 at 12:40AM by lauren_walker13
UPDATE: I (F19) made out with my best friend (M19) in a vulnerable moment and now he's mad at me. What do i do? UPDATE: I (F19) made out with my best friend (M19) in a vulnerable moment and now he's mad at me. What do i do? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on April 24, 2021 Rating: 5

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