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Husband (43M) is apparently in trouble at his job for sexually harassing a coworker. I (40F) am not sure how to feel. His comments he told me he said were pretty unnecessary and crude, and even then, I am not sure whether I believe him or not.

My husband came to me saying he's been put on suspension at his job. He looked like a ghost he was so petrified. I didn't even know what to say, because it was obvious he didn't want to tell me. Later that night I just asked him straight up what happened, and how bad is it. He said a woman accused him of harassment. Needless to say I was shocked right away. He said it went down like this: She was being flirty with him for several days, nothing to up front but he said it seemed very obvious at the time. He apparently came to her office and said that she was a very beautiful woman, and if he wasn't married he would probably sleep with her, and that he doesn't want her to feel like he is rejecting her because of her looks or personality, but that he is married and he loves his wife, and that he wants her to stop being flirty. She apparently got upset right off the bat, denying she was being flirty, and voila, we have the situation we have now. My first thought was "what a fucking idiot", I mean honestly, who goes into an office and says that? I mean, he said "would probably sleep with her"? Not, you know, go on a date with her? He says he realized how crude and stupid it sounded right after he said it, which is a relief, I thought he would try to defend his actions.

But some part of me also doubts this? I mean, it almost seems convenient, right? He 'defended my honor' against some 'seductress' trying to sleep with him by storming into her office to say how much he loves me. Well, that's a hyperbolization from what he told me, but still. How the hell do I know what he did wasn't much worse? He isn't a liar, but we've also never really had any kind of situation like this in our 12 years of marriage. Never had any real major suspicion on cheating or stuff like this. What if he is the type to see this is as a 'line' where he feels he has to lie. Considering this is a sensitive corporate matter, I doubt I am ever going to have some situation where I can just call and ask.

What do I do? I mean, if he is telling the truth, I am pretty disgusted that that, and think he's an idiot, but its obviously not even close to my... other suspicion, in terms of how mad I would be.

TL;DR - - husband was accused of sexual harassment. Said girl was flirting with him, and he said some crude things when rejecting her. I am not sure if I believe them.

Submitted April 24, 2021 at 12:40AM by Key_Strength4626
Husband (43M) is apparently in trouble at his job for sexually harassing a coworker. I (40F) am not sure how to feel. His comments he told me he said were pretty unnecessary and crude, and even then, I am not sure whether I believe him or not. Husband (43M) is apparently in trouble at his job for sexually harassing a coworker. I (40F) am not sure how to feel. His comments he told me he said were pretty unnecessary and crude, and even then, I am not sure whether I believe him or not. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on April 24, 2021 Rating: 5

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