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I think my [27M] friend [24F] tried to create a Hallmark Movie moment and I accidentally turned it into a romcom nightmare. How do I fix this?

tl;drI'm fairly certain my friend was attempting to make a romantic gesture and due to really unfortunate timing, now probably thinks she interrupted a hookup between me and someone else.

So long story short about two years ago, I ran into a girl from my high school in my office building lobby. She was a couple classes behind mine so we weren't really friends but we knew who each other were. So we said hi, exchanged words and she told me she had just moved to the city I now live in and works at a company in the same building as mine. We got lunch maybe once or twice a month until COVID hit. Every time, without fail 30 minutes after we got back she'd text me something along the lines of "I always enjoy spending time with you." Anyways we kept in touch every once in a while over text. A few months back, I had a pretty tough breakup after a 2 and a half year relationship. So she texted me shortly after the breakup checking in and I told her about the breakup. The next Saturday, she made me get out of bed, get dressed and run errands and shit with her so that I wouldn't lay around all day feeling sorry for myself. Even bought me ice cream. Sweet girl.

Anyways, we started talking more and more often and have hung out a couple times. It just kind of naturally started to get flirtier and flirtier but I wasn't really sure if I wanted to try and jump right into anything again that fast. But she's smart, funny, pretty, sweet etc. and I've started to open up to the idea. I was planning on asking her on a date this week.

So I was out of town last week for work. She called me Tuesday and asked if I wanted to get drinks that night. She was really upset with her roommate and being stuck working from her living room with her roommate for an entire year. I told her I was out of town until Friday night but if she wanted to she could crash at my place for a couple days, work from my home office, etc. One of my buddies was watering my plants while I was away so I gave her his info and said she could get my keys from him. We didn't talk much beyond that other than her asking how to get into the pool, gym, etc. at my building.

Friday night, I got back in town and my female colleague [26] and I went from the airport to my place to compare notes and submit my report. It's strictly work related, takes about an hour and then she leaves and I go to sleep. We do this after every trip like this because the report is due on Monday morning and neither of us like having to deal with it over the weekend.

So we get back to my place around 11pm and guess what - the girl in question was asleep on my couch halfway through a very nice bottle of wine wearing my bathrobe and from what I see from a glimpse under the robe, a very cheeky thong and a matching lace bra. When she woke up after we walked in she started apologizing immediately, saying she lost track of time etc. She looked absolutely mortified. She ran into my room to change, grabbed her stuff and awkwardly rushed out before I could make introductions apologizing the whole way out. Every time I tried to say, "Hey, so this is so and so...." she'd cut me off and apologize profusely. The whole thing was bizarre at the time. I also noticed her try to discretely grab a thank you card off my counter and stuff it in her purse on the way out. My coworker was like "wtf who was that?" and I told her a friend was house sitting.

So anyways, I didn't think anything of it at the time. We finished up our work and as I was walking my coworker down to meet her Uber, she looked at me and said "So, you know she was trying to surprise you and make a move when you got home right?" It immediately hit me like a freight train that that was a possibility and said "FUCK." My coworker said "You better call her right now."

I got back up to my apartment and called her. She didn't pick up. I then noticed she had cleaned every square inch of my apartment, washed and folded/ironed all my dirty laundry, and restocked my fridge while she was staying at my place. I also noticed a couple new candles in my living room. So when she didn't answer, I just sent her a text thanking her for taking care of my house plants and everything else and told her I was going to take her to dinner to thank her. She replied two days later "no problem. sure." and didn't reply when I asked which night worked for her. If I had any indication that she would still be at my place expecting to hang out when I got home, I would have absolutely planned differently.

So the way I see it there are two possibilities - either she's just a really good house guest, did lose track of time and fall asleep Friday evening before and was just embarrassed about still being there when I got home OR she was planning to make a move, thought my coworker was someone I brought home to hook up with, and is mortified/embarrassed/angry/hurt etc. And it’s definitely option B.

What do you think Reddit? Can I just call her and ask her to come over and talk or do I need to do something bigger since this is potentially the biggest fuck up of my dating life. Thanks!

Submitted April 20, 2021 at 09:18PM by pickmetoo
I think my [27M] friend [24F] tried to create a Hallmark Movie moment and I accidentally turned it into a romcom nightmare. How do I fix this? I think my [27M] friend [24F] tried to create a Hallmark Movie moment and I accidentally turned it into a romcom nightmare. How do I fix this? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on April 20, 2021 Rating: 5

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