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My girlfriend [27 F] of five years broke up with me [27 M] because I wanted to go to medical school. I need reassurance that I made the right decision.

My girlfriend and I met in the spring of 2014 when we were in pharmacy school and started dating that April. We graduated with our PharmDs in 2016 and began working, but unfortunately I eventually realized that I was unfulfilled being a pharmacist and wanted to go back to school to pursue an MD and become a physician.

My girlfriend was opposed to the idea because she said that we were getting to the stage of our lives and relationship when she wanted us to settle down and be able to spend more time together enjoying the simple things. I want to be a cardiologist, which is a 10-year journey from the beginning of medical school until the end of fellowship, and she said that was far too long to wait, especially since I would be too busy to spend much time with her during that period.

I understood where she was coming from, but I truly believe that medicine is the greatest profession in the world, and I couldn't accept not trying. I applied, was admitted, and started school in August 2018. We continued dating throughout my first year of school, but it was obvious that she was unhappy with the time commitment and the fact that I couldn't do many of the things we wanted to do with one another. She broke up with me this past summer.

She wasn't perfect, but after dating for five years, I could've seen myself spending my life with her. She was truly intelligent, which is something I value tremendously in a woman, and is currently working as a professor at a school of pharmacy. In a weird way, I don't really regret going to medical school, but sometimes I regret our relationship ending. We haven't really talked in months, and I miss her. I bought her a couple of Christmas gifts, wrapped them, and put them in a package together to mail to her, but she didn't even text me to say that she got them. I feel empty.

I'm lonely and wish I had someone to come home to after a long day, to cuddle up and watch TV with before snuggling off to sleep together. And I've always been awful with women, so I haven't had much luck meeting anyone new. This profession demands a tremendous amount of sacrifice from those who choose to enter it, but sometimes I can't help thinking of the way things used to be and wanting to cry.

tl;dr: My girlfriend broke up with me because I wanted to go to medical school. Did I make the right choice?

Submitted December 20, 2019 at 06:30PM by Single-Loan
My girlfriend [27 F] of five years broke up with me [27 M] because I wanted to go to medical school. I need reassurance that I made the right decision. My girlfriend [27 F] of five years broke up with me [27 M] because I wanted to go to medical school. I need reassurance that I made the right decision. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on December 20, 2019 Rating: 5

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