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My [26M] coworkers have started treating me differently for seemingly no reason. I may quit.

I work at a fast casual restaurant chain you've heard of. I've been there about 3 months now, and at first it was good. I can be awkward, but I was making friends and getting better at the job. I felt like part of the team, and it felt like a job I could do till I figured some stuff out. A few weeks ago, it all changed.

It was clear a rumor spread about me. One manager avoids me. Another literally won't talk to me, sends someone else if she needs to tell me something. People whisper about me. People who I was sort of becoming friends with (work friends anyway) no longer like me. When I asked people (including managers) about it to figure out what was going on they pretend they have no clue, or give me a look like "you should f***ing know." I'm cool with new hires at first, till they hear whatever the rumor is and then they act the same way as everyone else. I also have social anxiety that used to be really, really bad, and this is making it bad again (my roommate who I've known forever even said I remind him of the way I was in early college, a very bad sign).

The job pays pretty well (blows most fast food places out of the water, its actually a living wage) and I actually kinda like customer service (don't ask, idk why either), so I don't want to quit over "my feelings" but I know myself and I'm not going to survive in an environment like that where I'm literally an outcast. I have a second job freelancing in my field that makes me some money, its just not consistent enough, but its something to sort of fall back on till I find a new thing.

But I'm tired of finding new things. My life was a bit unstable before this, and I finally felt like I'd found a job I enjoyed, that payed well, that I could do while I built a real career in my field in my free time. I just want to find a solution besides quitting.

Tl;dr Coworkers at a job I like ostracized me over some rumor no one will tell me. Its getting so bad and affecting me so much I may quit

Submitted July 01, 2019 at 08:01PM by remag117
My [26M] coworkers have started treating me differently for seemingly no reason. I may quit. My [26M] coworkers have started treating me differently for seemingly no reason. I may quit. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on July 02, 2019 Rating: 5

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