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Is my [25F] therapist [60sF] crossing a professional line?

Hi all! I hope this is the right place for this post, if it's not I'll gladly remove it.

I have been seeing a therapist for over a year and so far she's been to most helpful therapist I've had since I was 12 (yeah). My issues are primarily depression and anxiety, but I also struggle with a dysfunctional family relationship, particularly with my sister. I've told my therapist about many hurtful incidents that have happened between my sister and me, and for a while I've started to become concerned that in this area my therapist might be crossing professional boundaries.

My therapist has assessed, based exclusively on my verbal descriptions, that my sister may have a personality disorder. I don't disagree that my sister has her own issues, but I also know it's highly unprofessional for my therapist to offer a diagnosis like this without ever seeing my sister. She has compared my sister to her own brother, whom she has told me she has issues with, and this comparison has gotten more frequent lately. Today, she told me that she thinks my sister might be incapable of selflessness, as she also thinks this of her brother. I hesitated there, because I don't know off the top of my head a time my sister's been selfless to me but that doesn't mean I know her to be utterly unselfless. I think that part of what my therapist has tried to do is help me see that not every negative interaction we've had is my fault, and that actually a lot of the blame does rest on my sister, but I think she paints her with a really broad brush sometimes.

She also has related some medical advice that is, in my opinion, inappropriate. I had a health scare recently and we talked about that today, and she hinted about having a similar one and how it made her feel about her own body. But I hadn't expressed those feelings yet at all, and she was just assuming I was headed that way when I wanted to talk about something different altogether. She also relayed information to me about another patient of hers. Nothing to do with her treatment or anything, but gave some rather specific details about this woman's career that, if I had happened to know her, might have been enough for me to identify this woman as a patient of my therapist's. Especially considering that the details were about how the two of us are both associated with the graduate studies in the same major university, it could have "outed" someone as a patient.

All that said, she's been a really good therapist for what I've needed and she's helped me a lot. I just want to know if these details sound like a therapist being reassuring and personal or if I should be at all concerned.

TL;DR - I [25F] see a therapist [60sF], and as time has gone on she's made what i think may be unprofessional statements. Should I be concerned?

Submitted July 03, 2019 at 02:31PM by quoththeraven929
Is my [25F] therapist [60sF] crossing a professional line? Is my [25F] therapist [60sF] crossing a professional line? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on July 03, 2019 Rating: 5

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