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Friend contributing nothing to current vacation [20sF]

Basically this entire situation is like what the title states, I’m on vacation right now and my friend that I’m traveling with is contributing so minimally to the trip it may as well have been nothing. I planned the trip over the past few months and whenever I asked for input she would either shrug or just argue with me about how we need to travel cheaper. Despite her comments, she never tried to help me find cheaper options. It was incredibly frustrating to plan a 2 week trip essentially by myself with the other person critiquing me.

I went ahead anyway since we already bought plan tickets and we’re now here. Problem is we’re only a few days in and I want to ditch her. My vacation plan was great, but she’s constantly complaining. Everything is too expensive, we’re not doing what she wanted to do, or she doesn’t want to see what we have planned. Money is a big thing, to the point where I had to force her to take cash out because I refused to keep paying for everything. I also made her get an app to pay me back on because I am not funding her trip. She also never got a phone plan for going overseas so I had to do it so we could function (she’s not helping pay for it). I’m driving the entire road trip because upon landing she stated she “doesn’t like driving” so I can do it. Ummm, thanks? The worst is she’s just started seeing someone, so whenever we are at a place that has WiFi, I get ignored so she can message him.

It’s just wearing me down. I feel like I planned this great trip and now I’m catering to a miserable tag-along. She won’t even do the bare minimum like help find a place for dinner because I “can just do it”.

I don’t know how to keep this civil until the end of the trip, help!

Tl;dr- traveling with a friend and it’s too early for things to start going this south

Submitted June 27, 2019 at 10:12AM by Throwaway89475
Friend contributing nothing to current vacation [20sF] Friend contributing nothing to current vacation [20sF] Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on June 28, 2019 Rating: 5

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