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My (24f) husbands (27m) money management skills are really making it hard to see a future with him

A little background: we got married super young. I’m almost 24, he’s 27. Been married almost 5 years. The first 4 years together we lived rent free in his parents guest house. At the time I was making $36k/yr and he was making $24k/yr. we racked up some serious credit cards debt, young and dumb. He had about $30k in cc’s at the time and I had about $10k.

My mother in law passed away and left my husband $90k. We paid off our debt, moved across county to my home state and starting renting our first apartment. I found a job immediately. I’m making a little over $100k/year now. He spent 7 months unemployed and blew thru all of the money his mom left him. He’s finally found a job and makes $30k/year. He’s not a very hard worker and is totally fine with calling out of work quite often.

I pay all the bills. Every single one. Rent, daycare, car, our insurance, the loan I took out to consolidate his cc debt a year ago, electric, water, you name it. I pay for it. Obviously I don’t mind paying the majority of the bills since I make a lot more. He has no drive to find a better paying job to help me. He’s also racked up another $15k in cc debt. I have 0 cc debt and pay everything with cash I have in my debit card.

My husband eats out for basically 3 meals a day. He doesn’t see a problem in this. He’s fine with using his credit card to buy action figures and whatever games he want as soon as it comes out. His truck payment is $610 a month so really after his truck payment and his minimum payments on his cc’s, all of his money is gone. He will not be able to pay off his debt. I think he’s just waiting to his depressed father to die to receive another lump sum of cash.

I’m starting to resent the irresponsibility on his end and would appreciate any advice I could get.

Tl;dr my husband sucks at managing money and I don’t know what I should do

Submitted June 28, 2019 at 04:17PM by throwaway2244888
My (24f) husbands (27m) money management skills are really making it hard to see a future with him My (24f) husbands (27m) money management skills are really making it hard to see a future with him Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on June 28, 2019 Rating: 5

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