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Boyfriend (23M) is begging for a second chance with me (22 F) after months of poor treatment. I am confused about breaking up with him

I have been dating (or shall I say ex?) boyfriend for the past 10 months and for the past 3 months he's been treating me pretty badly. He blames me if he doesn't have fun for the activities or date nights we participate in, and says that I should know what he likes or dislikes yet he himself never offers any suggestions about stuff we could do. The responsibility is always placed on me and it hurts. He also ignores my texts for hours or replies with one-word answers. I've tried talking to him about how I need to be emotionally supported more and he agrees yet he goes into the same pattern of giving me one-word answers. He knows how much this hurts me but still does it, despite the fact he claims he loves me. Yesterday we got into a fight about communication and he said that communication is not necessary for a relationship. He said I can't force him to improve his communication because he can't change and won't change. He also mocked me for wanting better communication between us and started yelling at me over the phone. He made fun of my hobbies, interests, and I could hear other people laughing in the background making me think he put me on speaker phone during our argument. I could hear one of his cousins in the background saying "what is she saying now bro" or something like that. It hurt me that I was being labeled as a nagging girlfriend for wanting basic communication in a relationship.

A week ago he flaked out on meeting me and when I told him I was a bit annoyed for canceling plans last minute he never responded and said he didn't want to respond because it would "ruin his day". Yesterday after our fight I was fed up and decided to end things. He apologized profusely through text, saying he was sorry and that I should give him another chance and that he didn't mean to hurt my feelings. Although his apology could be sincere, it just feels like it's too little too late. I told him it feels like he took me for granted and he said I was always his top priority and my happiness was important to him - despite the fact that I've told him I feel unhappy in the relationship and I want to work on things. After nearly a year of being with someone, I'm obviously having a hard time letting go of this relationship because I think of all the good memories I had with him. He had a rough childhood which I think affected his ability to express his emotions, but I can't put up with his cold behavior anymore. I'm supposed to be meeting him in a few hours to talk about our relationship but I'm really struggling. I know going back with him would be a step back but I also wonder if he really will change for the better because he always says he loves me :(

tl; dr

Submitted June 28, 2019 at 04:21PM by spycegyal96100
Boyfriend (23M) is begging for a second chance with me (22 F) after months of poor treatment. I am confused about breaking up with him Boyfriend (23M) is begging for a second chance with me (22 F) after months of poor treatment. I am confused about breaking up with him Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on June 29, 2019 Rating: 5

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