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My (17f) boyfriend (18m) of almost a year would rather throw his phone than let me google something

I’ve never posted on reddit and it’s mobile so hopefully it makes sense, apologies in advance. My boyfriend and I have been together for almost a year now, and before that we were best friends for three years. When we were just friends he would tell me anything and have no issue with doing so, but since we’ve been together he’s been completely different. If I am on snapchat(he checks my location regularly) I get an angry text asking me who I’m texting when he knows that I only go on Snapchat to look at the dodo sorry about animals. If I get a notification he has to check it before I do so he knows I’m not lying, despite me never lying to him. On the opposite side of things, he stays with his friend more often than not, most of the time I think it’s out of spite? This friend is a drug dealer (which isn’t that big of a deal, I don’t really care what he does as long as he doesn’t fuck my bf over), he’s also a pathological liar and has a tendency to invite my bf’s ex over whenever my bf is at said friends house. I’ve explicitly stated that I’m not comfortable with him being there with his ex and not telling me but he doesn’t seem to care. He won’t let me hold his phone for him, won’t let me move it if I’m gonna sit down, won’t let me google something, not even check the time. He went as far as to throw his phone across the room to avoid me googling something because my phone was dead. I don’t know if I should suspect anything or if I’m overthinking his actions or what but I’d really like advice on what to think of his behavior because he’s making it hard for me to trust him. He’s the only person I have to lean on or talk to and I don’t want to lose that

TL:DR! My boyfriend is exhibiting what I see as red flags, am I overthinking and what are some actions I can take to help me and him have a truly happy relationship?

Submitted June 27, 2019 at 01:00PM by Verifym3
My (17f) boyfriend (18m) of almost a year would rather throw his phone than let me google something My (17f) boyfriend (18m) of almost a year would rather throw his phone than let me google something Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on June 27, 2019 Rating: 5

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