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Husband's [48M] laziness is making me [41F] depressed and I don't know what to do

TL;DR My husband is bad at helping around the house, causing me a lot of stress. He's lazy and I don't know what to do anymore.

I'll start by saying that 1- I'm disabled. It's not visible, I don't look disabled, but I have a muscles disease that makes me tired, and deal with muscle pain. The more I use my body, the more tired I get. Same with the pain. No treatment available for my condition. Fibromyalgia. I also have a part time job from home that requires me to use my brain. If I'm tired, I can't concentrate and work. Husband works night shifts.

My house looks like a hoarders paradise. It wasn't always like that, but my husband is contributing to most of it. Leaving his clothes everywhere. Ignoring my demands to put his clothes away. His empty bottles, plates, etc.

It's gotten so bad, there's stuff everywhere. I haven't been able to vacuum in 3 years.

2 years ago, our kitchen tap broke. But because our house is such a mess, I haven't been able to call our landlord to come fix it. Too ashamed to show the house like that. So for 2 years, I've been doing dishes in the bathroom sink or in the bathtub.

Whenever the doorbell rings, I get anxious it's someone we know that might wanna come over, and I can't open the door.

I cook, prepare food, do the dishes. I ask my husband to help with keep the place clean but, he just can't. I've tried everything. Lists, a reward system, yelling, being calm, threats, everything. Nothing has worked.

During his time off, he plays video games. If I need something like a pan and I can't wash it myself because of my health issues, he's gonna agreed to do it, but often will forget. Because he's engulfed in his game and then it's late and he's too tired.

My dad was an alcoholic and I can't stand the sight of empty beer bottles. I don't mind if he drinks, but I asked him very early in our marriage that he pick up after himself. Well, as you guess, he doesn't. He drinks a beer a week, but forget about his bottles. I'm, so sick of it all.

15 years of marriage. It wasn't always this bad, but the last 3 years, he's like child who doesn't know how to listen or help.

I don't know what to do

Submitted June 27, 2019 at 11:58AM by SickOfTheBadSighs
Husband's [48M] laziness is making me [41F] depressed and I don't know what to do Husband's [48M] laziness is making me [41F] depressed and I don't know what to do Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on June 28, 2019 Rating: 5

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