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Is it Controlling to Deny My Bf a Man Cave? (Repost)

Repost bc my first post broke a rule lol my bad-
You guys, please tell me if I'm being crazy and a control freak.

tl;dr- my boyfriend [28 M] and I [27 F] are moving in together after being together for 5 months. He's trying to claim the spare bedroom as his man cave. Am I wrong to be irritated and slightly offended?

My boyfriend and I are moving into a two bedroom apartment from his 400 sq foot studio. He has claimed the second bedroom and closet as his own, and only wants his things in it. Last night we got into a bit of a disagreement because he referred to the spare room as HIS room. The closet I understand, but the whole room?

Is it wrong of me to be slightly offended by this? Why is this his one solution to needing alone time? I understand alone time is needed and healthy in a successful relationship, so please don't think I'm trying to keep him up my ass 24/7. Sometimes I want alone time too. But why does he need a whole ass room with ONLY his things? And how is it monetarily fair to me when we're splitting the bills and rent right down the middle, yet there's an entire room I won't be able to use or place belongings in? Why can't it just be "The Alone Room" and place a mixture of our things in it? All I want is a chair and a bookshelf in there to read in a quiet place.

If I'm over-reacting please let me know. I get that having a man cave is common, but is it really fair if the other half doesn't have something equivalent? Do I just let it go?

I understand some of you will want to comment on how long we've been together. I know we're fast to move in but I'm confident in our relationship; we work very well together, don't fight, have the same love languages and communication styles. Plus we've already been living together at his place for almost three months. Our relationship isn't doomed. This specific situation is just aggravating.

Submitted June 29, 2019 at 07:58AM by SnapeWasShit
Is it Controlling to Deny My Bf a Man Cave? (Repost) Is it Controlling to Deny My Bf a Man Cave? (Repost) Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on June 29, 2019 Rating: 5

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