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My roommate is complaining about how dirty the kitchen is despite the fact we have a weekly routine cleaning schedule.

So we are 3 guys and we've been living together in the condo for over a year. The landlord is usually out of the city for work in another part of the country, so I don't see him much. My roommate and I used to have small conversations here and there, but ever since he lost his job we've practically stopped talking to each other like normal people. It's gotten to the point that he doesn't acknowledge that I say "Hi" to him. I don't know what he's doing nowadays and I figured that because he lost his job he's probably under a lot of stress, so better not poke the bear, right? Recently, he's started getting fed up with how dirty the kitchen is and leaving passive aggressive messages on the kitchen counter. Some things were reasonable like cleaning out the sink drain with food in it, which I finally got around the habit of doing it. But then, he starts ranting about how 'dirty' the kitchen stovetop was, which is routinely cleaned on a weekly basis during the weekend as agreed at the beginning when we first moved in. I say dirty in quotes because to be frank it's not as dirty as he says it is (little spits of food or sauce here and there). Sadly, there wasn't any agreement signed, so everything was verbally agreed upon. I recognize my other roommate is a student and he's been held up with exams lately and working weekends, so he doesn't get the cleaning done until probably Monday. So I sometimes cover his shifts for him, so he doesn't worry about it and focuses on his studies. For me, I don't mind cleaning on a weekly basis and try my best to clean it. I'll even clean areas my roommates don't think about like the microwave, under the fridges, under the stovetop lid, etc. I replied back in writing on his note reminding him of the weekly cleaning schedule we had and encouraged him to speak with the landlord or myself if he had concerns. Instead, he went on a fit of how unacceptable it was that he's cleaning up my mess (when the mess is really shared if you think about it. Do I need to pull out my microscope now to figure out who made the mess?) and won't clean up the kitchen anymore.

Honestly, I feel the fact he's writing notes to me instead of talking to me and acknowledging my existence is pretty childish. This guy is in his 30s and probably has more social skills than I do as he goes out a lot, so he should be the adult expert.

Am I being the unreasonable one here? Should I just go to my landlord at this point and let him know the situation?

TL;DR Roommate and I communicate like cavemen about cleanliness when we have a routine schedule to go by. What to do?

Submitted June 28, 2019 at 07:18AM by Inaerius
My roommate is complaining about how dirty the kitchen is despite the fact we have a weekly routine cleaning schedule. My roommate is complaining about how dirty the kitchen is despite the fact we have a weekly routine cleaning schedule. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on June 28, 2019 Rating: 5

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