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Husband disappears for hours at a time. Keeps happening.

Husband(34) with Me(33) I'm reaching out for alternate views and advice. We have been together for 6 years, 5 kids and otherwise great relationship. Husband(34) works 6-7 days a week currently and gets stressed about job(even though he loves his job) Me(34) am a SAHM and also homeschool. The issue. At least 1x a month, sometimes more and I suppose sometimes less, he will (what I call) "check out". He will disappear for hours at a time. Previously I would panic, thinking he had been in an accident, so he finally agreed to an app where we can track where each other is. Well, he will go AWOL. Not answer calls, messages ect. At times he is "on his way home" (30 min drive) but not get home until 10p-1am. Or when he has to run an errand for work, he will spend 3 hours in meijer(no joke) and most of the time not even buy anything.

This usually happens when he's stressed, and I feel like it's his way to cope, but it hurts me non the less. He does not seem to care anymore. I wrote him an email describing how this has been making me feel. He said he was glad I wrote it and would write me back. He hasn't.

Well, it happened again yesterday. This time his GPS was off (which is a fun new thing that sometimes accompanies the checking out)so I had no way to know where he was.I talked with him around noon, all was fine. Then nothing. I called him, messaged him, and even called his place of work. He was not there. He finally returned my texts around 6pm with "I'll he home as soon as I can" then nothing.

Reasons it makes me sad/pisses me off. 1.We have kids that love him and want to see him. 2. I never know if he will be joining is for dinner, or helping with bedtime routines or getting them to bed. The question "when is Daddy going to be home?" is hard to answer when I HAVE NO CLUE. 3.I also find I have far less patience with my kids when I'm frustrated about this. It makes me less of a parent. 4. He chooses to be away from me when he is stressed about something, instead of confiding in me. 5. He has never genuinely apologized. I don't think he thinks he needs to. 6. I'm home all day with kids. I need him .

I'm beginning to think I am crazy and this shouldn't be an issue. He acts like everything is fine. Is it normal for husbands to ignore their spouses for hours at a time? Any advice is appreciated.

****Update! Thank you all for your comments. I do not have time to respond to you all(5 kids lol), but appreciate your taking the time to comment.

We talked a little and I took a long walk with my dog. I'm sure we have more talking ahead of us, but we will be ok. He is not cheating, I didn't even ask bc I know he wouldn't. ***

TL;DR Husband disappears for hours at a time, no remorse.

Submitted June 30, 2019 at 12:53PM by allisong124
Husband disappears for hours at a time. Keeps happening. Husband disappears for hours at a time. Keeps happening. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on June 30, 2019 Rating: 5

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