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My [25M] gf [26F] has sex dreams at night about other people.

So this instance I’m about to tell you happened a few months ago...

To start things off, we’ve been together for almost a decade now. She is the absolute love of my life and we’ve been best friends since the day we met. We recently moved in together too, and it’s been going great so far. However, I soon after discovered that she not only talks in her sleep, but is very vocal about the dreams she’s having.

The first dream she had, she was moaning and saying things like “oh yes” and “don’t stop” - followed by some guy’s name (let’s call him peter.) I normally have a hard time sleeping at night, so I was of course awake during the entire thing. I was obviously upset by that (as I think most people would be.)

The next morning, I decided I was going to talk to her about it. I did not, at all, blame her for cheating on me, or accuse her of any infidelity by any means. All I did was bring up the fact that she was very vocal in her sleep last night. When she asked what she said, I told her exactly what I heard. What bothered me was her reaction after that. She got really defensive and noticeably upset the rest of the day. She also did not believe what I said, and claimed that I was making it up. We made up the next day and continued with the rest of our week as normally.

Fast forward to the week after... she had another dream like the first one. Only this time, I recorded her as she was saying it. I only did that because I really wanted her to know that I was not making it up. I showed her the next morning and she broke down. She cried and told me that she’s never cheated on me and that it was just a dream. I believe her, but this it twice now that she’s spewed out the same name in her sex dreams. Would I be wrong to be worried?

This has gone on for a few more weeks after the first two times. I never brought it up again after that.

Last fast forward - about a month after, she invited me to her work’s Christmas party. I’m not insanely social, but I went just to see her and make her happy. She was never a drinker, but that night she had a few. I’ve never seen her drunk before, but this was a first. I also knew that she was naturally a flirty person at heart (and I have no issues with that.) She got a little too flirty with someone though at the end of the night. Of course, I find out his name is Peter. Is something going on? I don’t want to accuse her of anything and I feel like asking her will only make her upset again...

Tldr; gf has sex dreams about guy. Denies their existence and gets mad. Find out later guy in dream is real and close with her.

Edit: forgot to add that she’s a few steps away from being a workaholic. Spends about 40-60 hours a week at work, comes home exhausted then rushes around on the days she’s home trying to get all her chores done.

Edit 2: It’s usually the same name she splurts out. Other times I’ve heard her mumbling and slurring (since she’s sleeping), but on multiple different occasions, I’ve heard her saying the same name

Submitted March 30, 2019 at 09:52AM by DoesThrowawayIsThis
My [25M] gf [26F] has sex dreams at night about other people. My [25M] gf [26F] has sex dreams at night about other people. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on March 30, 2019 Rating: 5

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