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My [22F] cousin [25F] had an accident and blamed me for it.

Hi all.

My family and I live just in front of a large woodland area, where we often go exploring. I have lived there all my life and it is truly the most beautiful place.

My brother Tom [27M] is getting married, and in our family when someone gets married usually the whole extended family comes to stay at the home of the bride/groom.

On friday evening my aunt Eleanor, her husband Matthew and their daughter Freya came to stay.

Freya is the polar opposite of me. She is so gorgeous that she was a model while she was studying, and is very smart and successful with a high paying career as a city banker.

Please don't think I'm saying all this because I'm jealous. If she was anyone else I would be happy for her. However, Freya has had it in for me for as long as I can remember. When my parents used to force me to go to her birthday parties her and her friends would always pick on me, locking me out of the house and playing pranks, excluding me from games etc. I always left in tears but her parents saw the funny side.

Freya still doesn't like me and whenever we see each other she is rude and dismissive. My parents think she is an angel. She is pretty and smart and successful and whenever they talk about her I just know that they think she's everything I'm not and they wish I was.

They were barely here for 20 minutes and Freya had already made snotty comments about my job, my clothes and my weight. I wasn't in the mood and argued back. My mom could see that I was upset and suggested that as Freya has always lived in the city and hasn't been to our home in years, she should go and explore the woodlands.

I went to work and did a short shift since there wasn't much to do, and by the time I got back it was starting to get dark. When I got in my mom said that Freya had not come back and asked if I could have a look for her. I agreed and went looking. I was calling for her but I got no response.

On the far side of the woodland there is sort of steep drop. I went there and found Freya lying at the bottom of it. She had fallen down. The idiot wore heels when she went out exploring and must have lost her footing. By the looks of things she had injured her leg when she fell since her foot was in a bad position, which is why she couldn't climb out. However, she had a worse problem.

Freya is type 1 diabetic. I don't know long she was down there but clearly long enough for her for her to start feeling sick without her medication. She was whimpering and moaning and couldn't speak. I'm not particularly strong, but I had to climb down and lift her up, and then climb up that ledge again to get Freya to safety. As soon as we got somewhere with a phone signal I called an ambulance and carried her back to the house. Her parents were obviously terrified and were demanding answers from me, and I told them everything I knew.

The ambulance came and she was taken to hospital, where they brought her condition under control. She was kept at the hospital until today. However, yesterday morning Freya's mom tried to slap me, and said that Freya had told her that I pushed her down that ledge. I insisted that it wasn't true but she didn't believe me. Since I know about Freya's condition she accused me of trying to kill her daughter by stopping her from getting her insulin. She said they would be having the police on me.

And the sad thing is that my parents, instead of defending me, sat me down and interrogated me, asking if I did in fact push Freya. I pointed out that I couldn't have done since shortly after she left I went to work. They did believe me, but I was upset that they didn't believe me straight away and actually thought I could do something like that.

If the police do get involved I could end up in serious trouble for something I haven't done.

How do I make prove that Freya is lying and that I'm not the kind of person to push someone down a ledge?

Tl;DR: My cousin who hates me fell down a ledge and got sick due to not having her medication. She then lied that I pushed her down.

Submitted March 31, 2019 at 08:56AM by throwaway590409
My [22F] cousin [25F] had an accident and blamed me for it. My [22F] cousin [25F] had an accident and blamed me for it. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on March 31, 2019 Rating: 5

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