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I(31f) can't go into my favorite coffee shop because I made friends with an unstable barista(28f)

I moved to a small city in the south a year and a half ago for love. I am originally from a big city in the North East and at first the change was a major culture shock and I found it really hard to make friends.

Most people my age where I live now are married with kids and are not passionate about the same things I am passionate about. I also work from home so it is doubly hard to meet people and I am not a big drinker so I don't really like going to bars to meet others.

The only place I really enjoy going to is my boyfriends favorite coffee shop that he introduced me too. We used to go there together everyday and became chummy with a few of the barista's. I am super into film and I found out one of the girls that worked there, had a boyfriend who reviewed films as a hobby and they liked hosting movies nights. Desperate to make friends and feeling hopeful , I decided to invite them to our house to watch a movie.

The night ended up being a success and we made another couples date a week later. This time I had less fun mingling. I noticed my new friend talked terribly about all her coworkers and there was something generally off about her. I am super introverted and private and I felt like, if she was saying such awful things about people who were supposedly her friends, what did she say about my partner and I behind our backs ?

After our second movie night, her and her boyfriend asked us to hang out again and I told them I didn't know when we would next be available. The next day my boyfriend and I go into the coffee shop and she is working. She asks us again when will we hang out and we say we are busy for the next few weeks. After that everyday she asks the same question when will we hang out. I finally feel so bullied that I make plans for another movie night.

When the day comes I am a nervous wreck and I end up cancelling. After that my boyfriend and I stop going into the coffee shop for a month because we just don't want to deal with being hassled. We finally break down and go in and of course she is working and begs us to hang out soon. I tell her we have been very busy ( which is true, we both had been working our butts off, so we could save money and move back up north). She acts very skeptical and starts asking us specifics on our work schedules. I hate conflict and the whole conversation felt like an interrogation.

Now I don't know what to do. I know losing a coffee shop doesn't seem like much but it is really the only place in the city we have, that we enjoy. We are stuck in the town, we are in for another 6 months.

I feel her behavior is not normal but maybe I am being too hard on her. Anyways if any of you have advice, I would really appreciate it.

TL;DR: Hung out with a girl twice who works at my favorite coffee shop and now everytime I go in she bothers me to hang out. Now I feel it is too awkward to get coffee because I don't want to hang out with her but I feel like if I am honest with her, it will make it even more awkward.

Submitted March 31, 2019 at 04:00AM by Hexenductionhour1
I(31f) can't go into my favorite coffee shop because I made friends with an unstable barista(28f) I(31f) can't go into my favorite coffee shop because I made friends with an unstable barista(28f) Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on March 31, 2019 Rating: 5

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