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My [24F] husband [28M] is acting rude to me in front of his parents

Together three years.

My in-laws/his parents are staying for the weekend and he’s just...acting out towards me in front of them.

They got here last evening and I hosted/still am hosting them fully. From conversations to cooking/baking food for everyone that took almost three hours total. I ended up cleaning almost everything too. We have a 10 week puppy now so while I was cooking, he looked after her. There were a couple of moments when I asked him to take the trash out and he sighed heavily as if he were annoyed he had to get off his recliner while I was doing ALL of the work. He took the puppy outside and as they got back, he said she had something in her mouth and told me to get it out. While I was washing a pan and literally couldn’t at the time. He got angry with me that I couldn’t do anything since my hands had dish soap on them.

At dinner someone had asked if he would help clean the kitchen up and he sarcastically said “no, cooking and cleaning my job.” Which I thought was just tasteless. Before they got here it took me two days to clean our house fully because of our fully grown dog’s fur everywhere (GSD) and taking breaks to take care of the puppy. I did 95% of the cleaning and my husband did very minimal tasks. I wished he could’ve done more but didn’t ask him to because of his tiring work schedule.

Side note: husband goes to work very early in the morning so I’ve been the one to take the puppy out at night. Sometimes he takes her out at 4 am before work but the rest is up to me. I work later in the morning and have no problems with helping him out so he can sleep more.

So I thought his comment of that being my job was rude. Even though I love to cook, he said it in a very rude manner and made me feel bad in front of everyone.

I got a headache after dinner and sometime around 3 in the morning when it was my turn to take the puppy out, I asked if he could do it instead because I felt so badly. No “babe are you alright?” questions. He got irritated I asked him and started bitching at me. I eventually told him to stop complaining because I’ve done SO much these past couple of days and that I pined for the day he would ask about my well-being instead of getting angry with me. I felt awful about the way he treated me.

In the morning he attributed our arguement to me being grouchy due to me being woken up (??) and didn’t really apologize. I made eggs for breakfast and my husband went to pick up the puppy that was under me trying to lick up food. I was attempting to put the pan back up on the stove and he got up and accidentally hit his head on the pan. So he got mad at me about that and mad that eggs got on the floor. He said I was out of control because I grabbed a napkin out of his hand to clean it up. He stared at me and didn’t help pick anything up. I was literally crying as I got plates together and am now in bed writing this. I told my in-laws that I still feel bad due to my headache but I’m just so upset about his behavior.

Over the course of last night and today, he’s been making snide comments to me which he’s said are just sarcasm but it’s demeaning to me and makes the whole tone of the household off.

I’ve also been acting like everything is dandy because his parents are here. So it’s hard acting happy when this is going on.

It sucks he’s treating me this way for no reason. I’m not being rude to him to warrant this.

tl;dr: husband is acting like a huge jerk to me/acting out in front of his parents and I feel really awful about it. Don’t know what to do.

Submitted March 30, 2019 at 08:03AM by DenseMolasses
My [24F] husband [28M] is acting rude to me in front of his parents My [24F] husband [28M] is acting rude to me in front of his parents Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on March 30, 2019 Rating: 5

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