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I (30F) wasn’t invited to a yearly trip my friends and I have done for the past 8 years. Not sure if I’m overreacting or misinterpreting.

Made a throwaway because I’m super embarrassed by how upset I am by this.

So every year my closest group of friends have taken a weekend trip to stay at a cabin, get a little drunk, play board games and hang out. I started this tradition in college with my favorite people and have been going every year to keep in touch with friends I truly love and admire. I just found out the trip is happening this weekend through Snapchat, and it’s been made clear that I wasn’t invited.

To be clear, I did move across the country almost two years ago, but have been trying my best to keep in touch. I was invited to/flew out for the meetup last year, and even flew out for another camping trip. I try to text people but also have severe social anxiety and rarely call anyone.

It did seem like we were losing a little bit of touch over the past few months, but I always assumed we were close enough and capable of picking up where we left off every time we see each other. I even asked the person who usually plans if he was thinking of doing a trip this year - he never responded.

I used to be very close with these people. We all went through very impressionable parts of our early twenties together and have always talked about how well keep in touch for as long as possible.

I’m completely heartbroken no one thought to invite me this year. It hurts so much to think that people who I hold with such high importance don’t feel I’m someone worth keeping in touch with. I used to feel so loved with them and now I’m hurt and alone.

But I know this is what happens in life. Friends grow apart and that’s always been clear, but I’m having a hard time rationalizing my emotions. It’s just that people always tell you distance will prove who you’re closest friends are, but im truly caught off guard by how few close friends I ended up keeping. This realization is so sudden and harsh to me, it’s just hitting really hard.

Am I overreacting? I feel like it would be absurd to text someone telling them how I feel, but I also love them a lot and want them to know that I care enough to fly out to see them. Am I too desperate to keep friends that may not actually care as much about me?

TLDR; I didn’t get invited to a trip with close friends for the first time in the last 8 years. This makes me so upset but I don’t know if I’m overreacting. Trying to decide if I should talk to one of them or forget about it and move on.

EDIT: thank you to everyone responding and giving me some insight. This post has truly helped me calm down and rationalize a bit. The situation still hurts but I now have other perspectives to consider and can better convince myself that it’s not the worst case scenario. I’m also realizing that the one friend who was planning this, is actually quite a terrible friend who has no interest in keeping in touch. I’m going to reach out to others more often and hopefully they’ll still include me on things, but as far as the one guy goes I’m just going to drop it and let us grow apart without causing any drama that may push me away further.

Thank you all for being so kind in this sub when people really need kindness in their lives.

Also, wow let me tell you Facebook memories might be one of the worst things on the internet because all I see are the good times we’ve all had (including the organizer) and yeah, I think I need a social media break.

Submitted March 31, 2019 at 02:15AM by aw_butts
I (30F) wasn’t invited to a yearly trip my friends and I have done for the past 8 years. Not sure if I’m overreacting or misinterpreting. I (30F) wasn’t invited to a yearly trip my friends and I have done for the past 8 years. Not sure if I’m overreacting or misinterpreting. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on March 31, 2019 Rating: 5

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