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A former fling (26M) is spreading lies that he's having an affair with me (25F)

Let's call the fling Mark, my current boyfriend Ryan (29M). I apologize if this is coming off as erratic- I'm quite upset and super angry :(

Mark's father is the CEO of a very big company. This company employs has about 20,000 employees. When I graduated with my masters, and got a job with this company, I felt everything I had worked so hard to achieve was finally coming together. I was SO proud that I had earned this job- I'm very attached to it, and I'm totally killing it. I've gotten promoted twice in the past year. The salary and benefits are amazing, and I love my coworkers with all my heart

October 2018: I met Mark when he and I ended up on the same team. Mark has a very common last name, so I had no idea he was the son of the CEO. We quickly hit it off, and began emailing flirtatiously. A few days later, he ended up being transferred to another team. However, he added me on SnapChat, the chemistry between us intensified, and we eventually agreed to hook up after work

He pulled up in a very expensive car, and we ended up hooking up in it. By hooking up, I mean we had oral sex multiple times that night. We continued to flirt whenever we ran into each other, and then had oral sex again a couple of weeks later in his car again. At the end of this second and last encounter, he mentioned how next time, we would go to a hotel. I didn't think much of this at the time; I assumed because it was after work, and we had work the next day, we were doing it in the car so we could go home at a reasonable time

November 2018: Now- I'm not big into social media at all, but I was a bit awestruck by Mark. I decided to look him up on social media finally, and was completely interested in pursuing him. And there it was: he was the son of the CEO. He was also married and had a newborn.

To say I was livid is a severe understatement. At the same time, he stopped reaching out to me, and I thought the whole thing was just a rare case of running into a total douchebag and womanizer. I thought it was over.

I met Ryan a couple of weeks later at a work mixer. Ryan is the sweetest, most gentle soul I've ever come across. He's intelligent, handsome, a great conversationalist. We began dating exclusively in January 2019, and have been together since. Our work has a very strict policy on coworkers dating, so I asked Ryan if we could just keep it secret for now. He's going to be moving to a different company literally next month, so we'll just move into the public eye then. Ryan had asked me if I had ever dated anyone in the company before, but I honestly didn't want to ruin Mark's life or rehash that unpleasant experience, so I stupidly said no...

A couple of weeks ago, I went to one of Ryan's indoor soccer matches to cheer him on. It turns out Mark (!!) is on the same team, and they're also friends (!!!). It shocked me, although it shouldn't have considering Mark and Ryan and I all work together. I just hadn't heard Ryan ever mention Mark, but there they were cracking inside jokes and laughing. When Mark saw me and Ryan, he had shock written all over his face. After I drove off, apparently Mark cornered Ryan and asked him if we were together. Ryan said no, and Mark seemed relieved.

Of course, Ryan noticed. When he got home, he interrogated me. I said I had no idea why Mark seemed relieved, and that we worked together in the past. Topic was over-- but not really.

This past Saturday, Ryan called me at 2 AM asking me to be truthful, and he was crying, and super upset. We decided to meet the following morning so we could speak. I felt like Mark had done something, but I wasn't sure what.

Short story: turns out they were an all dude party together, and Mark told everyone he and I were carrying out an affair since October. Of course, they're all men and no one's going to snitch on anyone. A few of the guys there are also legit having affairs with other women. Mark told everyone that apparently I've been sleeping with him for months and am in love with him. He had recorded some snaps I sent him during that initial time we had some chemistry between us, and showed everyone. Ryan got super emotional at this part, and told me that had he been in the room when he was showing the videos, he would have killed him. I told Ryan that OK, Mark and I had hooked up in his car, but that we had not slept together, and that we certainly were not having an affair. I explained that I had no idea that he was married and had a child. We were both in tears

Ryan nodded solemnly and told me he believed me. We're together practically every minute, and between Ryan and work, I literally have no time to carry out a full fledged affair. I told Ryan that I feel that my body and privacy have been violated, and I wanted to go to the police. Ryan told me he would have gone with me, and completely supports me except...Mark's child was just diagnosed with a terminal illness. Now Ryan and I are both too good of people to add on this extra stresser to his wife's life. Apparently, his whole family is completely blindsided by the son's illness and have been extremely invested in his plan of care

So, what we ended up doing is blocking Mark on everything. He noticed immediately and tried to confront us. Ryan and I are treating him as if he's air; not paying him any attention. And it's noticeably killing him

I just don't know what else to do. Should I bring this up to my work? Will it impact my job? Should I demand he delete every image/video he has of me? I'm just not really sure what to do here

Thank you and please let me know if I can clarify anything. I feel so sick to my stomach, I can't even think straight

Tldr; I'm being harassed by this guy, and feel totally powerless

Submitted March 29, 2019 at 03:42PM by adviceneeder22
A former fling (26M) is spreading lies that he's having an affair with me (25F) A former fling (26M) is spreading lies that he's having an affair with me (25F) Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on March 30, 2019 Rating: 5

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