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Best friend hacked my Facebook after my husbands death!

A little backstory. We will call her Jamie. We met when we were 12 years old & have been best friends since. (28 now). We did totally separate things after high school but managed to stay really close. We have kids the same age, same class at school and best friends as well. Went to church together, live 5 minutes from each other, always hanging out. I went through a nasty divorce early 20s and she was really there for me. She connected me with her uncle who was also going through a nasty divorce. (Never met him before) we started texting and it turned into more. 9 months later we got married. This only strengthened our friendship. We started doing even more things together because now we did it with our spouses as well. A year into my marriage my husband was diagnosed with terminal cancer. It was devastating. He went through over a year of chemo before it got too bad to continue. We never heard much from his family, not even texts checking in on him very often. He was hospitalized a couple months before he passed away and he decided to make a medical power of attorney. He made me the #1 and if I was unable we agreed to have Jamie as #2. We both loved & trusted her. Fast forward a month and my husband can’t take care of himself anymore. Jamie’s mom & dad (my husbands sister & Bro in law) offer to come over and help out during the day when I’m at work. Great. Turns out they were plotting against me. Called adult protective services on me to try to have him taken away ( they wanted paid to take care of him) I told them to leave & wanted nothing to do with them anymore. A couple days later I take my husband to the ER and I don’t want to go into details but it was bad and he was unconscious for the next several days we were there. He was dying. Jamie goes behind my back & tries to have me taken off as medical power of attorney, they had group texts going on bad mouthing me & I had to have them kicked out of his room because one of his family members yelled and told me I was going to hell because of the decision I made. Even though all the doctors and nurses agreed with me. As if this time in my life wasn’t hard enough, they totally disregarded everything he wanted done after his death. Jamie made a video for his memorial service (that he didn’t want) that cut me and my daughter out of all the pictures with him. Wrote an obituary that barely included me. Then Jamie’s parents threatened to take me to court to over turn his will & called his ex wife to try to get her to take me to court to over turn it as well. I could go on but I won’t. She reached out to me a week after his death and apologized for her family. She managed to do everything behind my back so I never got to call her out on anything. She blamed it all on them but as my friend she should have stepped up & defended me. So fast forward to a few days ago I’m playing around with my Facebook settings & I notice my password won’t work. Weird. So I change it & start looking around. My Facebook email is Jamie’s because she made my Facebook for me way back when! It shows me that 3 days after my husbands death there was password reset code & password confirmation change sent to her email. Then it shows me every time I have logged in or out of my Facebook for the last 2 years. Since the day my password was changed someone has logged in & out of my Facebook everyday!! I protected all my stuff & then deleted Jamie off my Facebook. A few minutes later it sends me a notification saying someone with a phone like hers is trying to login to my account in the city she lives. I’m livid. I checked my Facebook today and she blocked me. I may be all kinds of emotional right now because I just lost my husband but I am so angry & sad that I have lost my best friend too. But it’s all her fault and I feel it’s unforgivable what she has done. Am I crazy to want to reach out & just ask why she has treated me this way or should I leave it alone & keep it moving? I just feel like I need closure but maybe it will make it worse. I have been screwed over but this betrayal hurts really bad.

TLDR; my best friend for the past 12 years destroyed our friendship, hacked my Facebook account & has been checking it everyday for a month. Should I reach out to confront her or keep it moving?

Submitted March 30, 2019 at 10:34AM by loveyourdogs
Best friend hacked my Facebook after my husbands death! Best friend hacked my Facebook after my husbands death! Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on March 30, 2019 Rating: 5

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