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A recent diagnosis has left me [27/f] pretty much disabled while my bf [27/m] continues to go on fun adventures without me and not offer much emotional support. How do I discuss without sounding like a burden?

We've been together 1.5 years. We used to hike and camp all the time. Now I'm suffering through spinal/hip issues (long story, multiple diagnoses, but severe.... causes numbness, has left me bedridden at times and in excruciating pain). I went from running marathons to struggling to make it up the stairs. He moved out of his apartment recently to drive around and camp on his own, ski, hike etc. (all the things we used to do). He sends me pics. I'm happy he's happy, but I feel like I'm now an afterthought. My depression is worsening and I suppose I want HIM to be more supportive. I asked him if he'd come to the gym with me to do my stretches and he said nah, he doesn't like the gym. He had friends visit and rented a place far away. He spent 12 nights with them and I was looking forward to having him come see me, but then he said the weather is looking great Monday-Tuesday so he'll see me after that instead. I don't want to be needy, esp. as an independent professional woman, but of all the times in my life I need support, esp. mentally from people close to me. But I don't want to bring him down as he is happier than he has ever been (and he has a history of severe depression/anxiety). He helps me out at home when he is here (takes out the trash, does dishes), and he has stored all his stuff in a guest room which is "his" room. He gives great oral and is very patient.

How should I go about discussing if at all? I just don't feel a lot of intimacy, am becoming a bit restless/resentful. I'm seeing doctors, PT's, a chiro, therapist etc. I've done everything I can to live independently. Had to trade in my stick shift for an automatic. New bed. New shoes. New desk ergonomically fitted. Foam roller etc. etc. I stay downstairs and don't go upstairs unless I must. I carry one grocery bag at a time inside. It's hard but I try to get by.

tl;dr bf and I used to adventure all the time but now with my health issues he goes on his own for many days at a time, sends me pics, and we rarely talk. He is having a blast but I am slowly dying on the inside and want more support; how do I bring it up?

Submitted March 31, 2019 at 05:45PM by theworldinagrain
A recent diagnosis has left me [27/f] pretty much disabled while my bf [27/m] continues to go on fun adventures without me and not offer much emotional support. How do I discuss without sounding like a burden? A recent diagnosis has left me [27/f] pretty much disabled while my bf [27/m] continues to go on fun adventures without me and not offer much emotional support. How do I discuss without sounding like a burden? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on March 31, 2019 Rating: 5

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