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I(F19) and my brother(M23) found out our father(M50) is cheating with our aunt(F43), what do I do?

First off sorry for any grammatical mistakes, English is not my first language.

My father(who has been married to my mom(F45) for 23 years) was not home but left his pc on. So my brother and I went through his fb (it was plain curiosity, since our dad is extremely private so seeing his pc left unattended was quite a surprise). We looked at a few chats of his until we stumbled upon the one between him and my aunt. Looking through their chat, we saw they've been sexting for at least 4 years. We read all kinds of dirty shit. My brother also took a couple of photos of the screen with his phone.

My brother told my mom(which was a mistake, I'll tell why in a second). She was absolutely shocked. Note that my mom has no friends other that her sister. Saying that they're extremely close would be a massive understatement. Right now she's completely broken and I feel extremely sorry and can't help seeing her like that.

Anyway, she went and confronted my dad (that's why telling her was a mistake; she can't keep a secret) before we could gather more proof about this filthy affair other than that couple of photos my brother took. Surely, he denied every single thing she said, but couldn't support his words with actual evidence. My mom is quite religious and he knows that so he defended himself with something she would believe; all he said was "God wouldn't let me do that", "my account has been hacked", and some other bullshit. He has surely by now deleted all of their chats. My mom also can't just leave him because she's completely dependent and doesn't have a job, or a degree that can get her a job to support her where we live.

I am stunned, shocked, lost, and I have no idea what to do. I want to help my mom in any way. I adore her to death and can't help seeing this filthy shit break her that way.

What I thought of doing is sending my aunt's husband(M48) the pictures my brother took. The only problem is, that would ruin my aunt's family which will affect my cousins (F14 and F16) they ADORE their mom, so this'll break them.

What do you think is the best thing to do in this situation? Help!

TL;DR Found my dad and aunt sexting since 4 years at least, we have only small evidence, my mom is broken, he denied everything, we don't know what to do.

Submitted December 29, 2018 at 01:54AM by AgitatedBike
I(F19) and my brother(M23) found out our father(M50) is cheating with our aunt(F43), what do I do? I(F19) and my brother(M23) found out our father(M50) is cheating with our aunt(F43), what do I do? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on December 29, 2018 Rating: 5

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