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My boyfriend(m22) just called me(f21) from work and broke down; i feel useless.

I’m a very emotional person. I cried over the ugly duckling literally just last night because he did not deserve that ok. My boyfriend is like total opposite of me when it comes to stuff like that. You know that scene in toy story 3 where the thing almost happened?? I was bawling, he just went “damn that almost sucked.”

He’s not emotionally inept, but it just takes a lot for him to drop a tear, and I’m totally okay with it. He explains it like he’s more realistic, as in he knows the movie isn’t real, he knows commercials are fake, he knows the book is fiction, so why bother over it kinda mind set. I guess it’s a little better this way as he’s more in control and calm enough to help me when an ASPCA commercial fucks me up (We adopted two cats).

His job is really intense sometimes. He works mostly night shifts in an emergency room, so he gets some really wild people come in as well as some really sad things happen on the clock. He doesn’t really talk about it much to me, only the crazy ones like “this guy deadass got his foreskin stuck in his zipper” but never the sad ones. I only know if he mentions it in passing like “oh yeah now that you mentioned this crazy weird disease, someone came in last night and turns out they have it. Life’s crazy.”

Just a few hours ago, however, he called me and told me some really fucked up shit that just went down. He sounded angry then in disbelief and then really sad. He sounded like he was crying. What happened really messed me up too and i didn’t know what to say to him or how to help him, and before i could even put my words together he just took a deep breath and says “okay babe i have to go now, I’ll see you later” and then hung up.

I’ve literally never seen him break down like this and we’ve been together for five years now. I realize that he’s maybe kept a lot from me about his job or maybe shut it down completely until tonight where it just got to him. I’m scared when i see him, he’s going to dismiss it but I’m also scared if he does bring it up, i wouldn’t know what to do. I’ve never been on this end of the situation and it’s making me feel shitty that i can’t even put some words together to get him through a tough night.

He literally texted me a few minutes ago “sorry i told you all of that it was just really heavy” then two minutes later he sent me a meme. He’s so baffling sometimes.

Tl;dr my boyfriends job is taking a toll on him but i didn’t realize how much until he called me crying. He’s quickly bounced back but i don’t know how to console him or bring it up again.

Submitted November 01, 2018 at 08:16PM by blueberrysel
My boyfriend(m22) just called me(f21) from work and broke down; i feel useless. My boyfriend(m22) just called me(f21) from work and broke down; i feel useless. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on November 02, 2018 Rating: 5

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