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I (30M) want to call CPS on my SO's (26F) cousin (29F)

I've been with my GF on and off for almost 3 years and last month we had our first child together. My GF has always despised her cousin and has not been shy about telling me a number of things that she has done to her grandparents. Cousin has been an IV heroin user for years and has only had two jobs because of her drug use, both of which only lasted a few months and both of which she lied about getting fired from. Since she hasnt been able to have a steady income she has lived with her grandparents (who also take care of her mom as she is addicted to pain pills and hasnt worked in decades) and in the duration of living with them has stolen money, pills, wrecked their car, and god knows what else. 

About 2 years ago she and her BF at the time had their first child and now that he is 2 his development has been a huge subject of distress in the family. He only knows 1 word and doesnt respond when called. He has these extreme violent fits of rage when he throws things at his great grandmother and breaks sentimental things around the house. Cousin now claims it was the vaccines that caused this and says she was not using at all during her pregnancy. Knowing a number of addicts who have been using for years and years I also know them to not be the most honest. 

Baby dad of cousin is now no longer in the picture, living in his car and has not be heard from I guess, and about 6 months ago cousin gave up custody of her son for a set period of time from what I understand. We were all ecstatic. But this is the reason why I feel I am morally obligated to call CPS. The time on the temporary guardianship is almost done and cousin has been watching her son more and more, however according to grandma she doesnt watch him. AT ALL. She is glued to her phone while he does whatever. About 3 weeks ago grandma and cousin were sitting in the living room and someone knocked on the front door. It was two random people bringing back her son! I guess he had gotten out and was wondering around the street out front. Thank god two decent people found him and brought him back. When I heard about this I immediately said we should call CPS but my SO didnt want to make things harder on her family. As her grandfather passed away last year and her grandmother is very sick. 

Fast forward to last night, we get a call from grandma, cousins son was brought home again by a random person... The same thing happened. She wasnt watching him, he got out. When I heard this I told my SO if you dont call CPS today I will, she completely agreed last night but now seems reluctant or hesitant. The sad part is I'm sure there is so much more going on that we don't know about. I think as I started writing this I was intending on asking if I should call if she doesnt, but after rereading everything I have decided I am going to. I have to. If something happens to that child and I didnt do something when I know I could have it would haunt me for the rest of my life.

Tl;dr: my Gf's, cousins, son is being neglected and I feel like something could happen of I dont call CPS

EDIT 1: CPS has been called. Thank you to those who commented. Cannot tell you how much I appreciate the support. It's a very hard time for everyone involved but I know for a fact the right thing was done regardless

Submitted November 26, 2018 at 01:22PM by ZakDahlia
I (30M) want to call CPS on my SO's (26F) cousin (29F) I (30M) want to call CPS on my SO's (26F) cousin (29F) Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on November 26, 2018 Rating: 5

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