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My [M29] fiancé [F29] recently changed her laugh and it’s driving me insane and creating a wedge between us.

This is gonna be a weird one but I promise you I wish I were joking

I’ve been with my fiancé for about 10 years now (engaged for 2) and while we’ve had our moments in the past, this latest thing is really bothering me and is causing a divide between us.

About 6 months ago, I have no idea why, my fiancé started adding this fake laugh to the end of her natural laugh, and it legitimately sounds like Sloth from the Goonies. It was funny the first couple times, but it’s literally grown to the point where she almost always laughs like fucking Sloth and I swear she can’t even tell she’s doing it anymore.

I brought it up to her about 2 months ago, jokingly saying that she’s going to give herself a nervous tick or Tourette’s essentially by habitually changing her natural laugh this much. She disagrees and swears that she knows when she’s doing the Sloth laugh and it’s intentional but it’s multiple times a day now.

I told her it bothers me a handful of times. She’ll literally do it after we make out or something and it seriously turns me off. I told her this and she got super offended, saying I’m not letting her be herself. But I know who she is, I’ve known her for a very long time. I know how she laughs, I actually really like hearing her natural laugh and told her this, so hearing her laugh like Sloth seriously, seriously bothers me.

Well it happened again tonight and since it’s Friday I had a drink and I guess my social filter went down and I told her it really bothers me and I don’t want to imagine Sloth is my fiancé every time she laughs and now we’re in a fight because I’m “not letting her be herself.”

What am I supposed to do? It’s not like she’s always been like this, she totally just recently picked it up as a joke and kept it running and it’s driving me up the wall that I can’t express how it basically triggers me each time she does it and it instantly turns me off from her.

Obviously communication is the answer here but it feels like she doesn’t care that it bothers me because “it’s the real her” but it’s totally not. Like how else do I tell her it’s not funny to me if the very concept is interpreted as an insult against her personally? It’s like she refuses to acknowledge that she just started doing this and is acting like I’m offended by her hair color or something.

TL;DR: long term fiancé recently changed her laugh (initially for a joke) to Sloth’s from the Goonies and now habitually laughs like him and it drives me crazy and turns me off from her instantly. When I express this to her she takes it personally and gets very offended. How do I communicate this more effectively to her? And yes I’m serious I wish I were joking.

Submitted February 03, 2023 at 08:05PM by PurplePistol93
My [M29] fiancé [F29] recently changed her laugh and it’s driving me insane and creating a wedge between us. My [M29] fiancé [F29] recently changed her laugh and it’s driving me insane and creating a wedge between us. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on February 04, 2023 Rating: 5

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