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My (22M) friend (28M) is ruining his life because he can’t let his other friend (28F) go.

For context, my friend has been in a depression for years.

Back in October, my friend (we can call him A), became closer with a girl he’s known for a while (let’s call her B) and they started talking more and started a situationship. There were some complications however so they were just talking for a few weeks but they became really close and I honestly haven’t seen A that happy in a long time. They were spending a lot of time together and I saw so much potential and I was really happy for the two of them. I know B as well and they were super well suited.

Now we can talk about the other friend (we can call her C). C is fucking awful and uses A blatantly but he can never see it. She approached A and told him he’s been a shit friend for the past few months and hasn’t been there for her because he’s been so distracted by B and she started saying B is a bad influence and is using him, doesn’t care about him really, etc. She tried breaking them up and it WORKED.

Now B came to me and told me everything and when I confronted A, he literally just said he realised C was right and he was being a selfish shit friend by spending so much time with a girl he liked over a close friend. I understand but I also disagree, I think the reason A has been so depressed for so long is because C keeps doing this and ruins his chances at love every time she can. She has a boyfriend so idk why she does this but A is fucking blind and can never see it and he’s ruining all his chances by siding with her. It was really nice seeing him so happy and active with us again and not hiding within himself, which is how he acts when he’s with C. He completely blocks everyone else out.

I wish she’d just leave him alone or he could see her toxicity and cut her out but he can never see how she really is. I despise her and I feel so bad for B because she’s devastated and clearly really liked him. Is there anything at all I can do here? A has gone back to retreating into himself and is quiet and back in his depression. And C is happy because she has him all to herself again. Wtf do I do while watching this train wreck? I care for them both and I’m so fucking frustrated.

TLDR - My friend has a toxic friend who ruins his chances at love every fucking time she can because she says he gets distracted and isn’t there for her the way he should be when he’s spending time with the girl he likes.

Submitted February 14, 2023 at 02:51AM by tooyoung2000
My (22M) friend (28M) is ruining his life because he can’t let his other friend (28F) go. My (22M) friend (28M) is ruining his life because he can’t let his other friend (28F) go. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on February 14, 2023 Rating: 5

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