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Is it a red flag that my boyfriend (37M) doesn’t want to post pictures of us (33F) together on Instagram?

We’ve been together 1 years and are currently long distance. He is very active on social media and posts a lot of travel photos (he is a pilot) but he is NOT a blogger/marketer etc. As a note, I have never previously felt that he was cheating - he is in frequent communication even as he flys around.

He posts on his stories and regular photos often sharing things that people typically share - food, outings, travels, concerts, etc. He hasn’t posted any photos with friends in maybe 3-4 years, but he does have pictures with them. He has also occasionally posted picture on his stories with his friends as recently as a few weeks ago.

The one issue we’ve had is him following random women on IG. They aren’t half naked models, but it still bothered me. He insists he’s just trying to collect followers and it’s a “follow for follow,” thing. We talked about it and he agreed to stop.

However, Basically, last week I mentioned to him that I want us both to post photos of us on IG. At first he said he doesn’t share his personal life on IG and doesn’t even post his friends. When I pointed out that he did and recently in fact, he said “that’s different..they’re friends and you’re my girlfriend, it’s more private.” He claims he doesn’t need people to know about his relationship and “what’s the point to show it off to people.” He then said that “everyone important in his life” already knows about me. This is true - I’ve met his parents, siblings, and close friends.

But my counter to that was: if everyone important to you already knows about me, then who are you keeping it private from? Who is it that you don’t want to see? He claims that he has “so many followers” who are acquaintances and he doesn’t want people asking questions. I’m not understanding why random acquaintances would reach out to ask questions about a photos of us, and if they do…how hard is it to say “that’s my girlfriend.”

To me, it just feels like he wants to look single. He says I’m overreacting and social media isn’t that serious. At the end, he agreed to post a photo of us when we visit each other in March because he “doesn’t see a point in posting now and having to explain to people that I’m not even there.”

Is this a red flag, should I be concerned??

Tl;dr boyfriend share’s everything on social media but won’t share me. Is something up?

Submitted February 15, 2023 at 10:53PM by gfyukhftunbh
Is it a red flag that my boyfriend (37M) doesn’t want to post pictures of us (33F) together on Instagram? Is it a red flag that my boyfriend (37M) doesn’t want to post pictures of us (33F) together on Instagram? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on February 16, 2023 Rating: 5

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