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My GF (35F) Cheated on me(36M) a few years ago and now denies it was cheating.... Was it?


About 2 years ago my newly fiancé at the time (maybe 2 months a fiancé) was caught giving attention via text messages and hiding her phone and messages with a guy. I never saw the messages because she locked to bedroom door and deleted them but she admitted a week later that she was texting someone a "Friend" that has know her for years (which is true but I though he was harmless because he lived a state over and nothing abnormal on Social Media would indicate it) and it was nothing to worry about but they were talking about our relationship and she thought I would get mad if I saw.

Anyway, We get into a huge argument about this and her story was not making sense and I felt something was off. I reached out to the guy to ask what was going on and he was stating "your girl sent me a purple dress where her butt was exposed pic, and she felt guilt", "we didn't have sex yet but she's thinking about it".. etc...

I show her the messages and she gets extremely angry, blames me for everything calling me crazy and jealous and then breaks up with me. I admit me and her were having fights but I 100% trusted her and even defended her in the messages saying she will never sleep with you, stop trying to break us up etc.

Anyways, we broke up she canceled the marriage license and 1 week later, she slept with him. It crushed me, destroyed me and just left me feeling stupid....

I told her she cheated and she said no, we broke up. I said, this was not a random hook up or tinder date, this was not some unplanned event. This person drive 6 hours from another state to get a hotel room and bang you. And your response is "we were broken up". After many fights, she agreed she cheated and I thought we moved past it... OR SO I thought, we are in couples counseling and she tells me she didn't really cheat, it was emotionally cheating I guess but not cheating because we were broken up... I am surprised and hurt because I told her My only condition for taking you back is if you admit it was cheating. We got back together 4 months after the incident.

TL:DR - Is it considered cheating if your partner sleeps with someone only 1 week after the break up who they knew, texted, chatted on the phone with and exchanged almost daily communications with during the relationship?

Submitted January 31, 2023 at 07:40PM by jetsetter2828
My GF (35F) Cheated on me(36M) a few years ago and now denies it was cheating.... Was it? My GF (35F) Cheated on me(36M) a few years ago and now denies it was cheating.... Was it? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on February 01, 2023 Rating: 5

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