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Date suddenly changed his behaviour in a creepy way

Okay so I (23F) met this guy (24M) ~2 weeks ago online, he seemed to be so nice and he was texting me daily without being too clingy. I liked him too and we clicked so well so it was going so smoothly.

He asked me on a date after few days of talking online, since we live next to each other we met, went to this museum and it was so much fun. He seemed to be so into me and he kept flirting with me all the way throughout it. Then at some point he asked "Do I seem confident to you now?" I answered with a yes, and then he said "You should know that I'm not always like this"

After the day ended I was feeling so good and I was definitely seeing us going on more dates (he mentioned this too), until I received a text -while being on my way back home from the date- saying he was feeling so bad and kept devaluating himself, calling himself a piece of sh*t, and all kinds of names. I asked him to kindly tell me what was wrong with him but he kept saying that it was personal and that he wasn't my responsibility and I shouldn't try to help and that he wants to stay alone. He later on said he had a really nice day BUT [proceeded to insult himself again].

I have no idea what am I supposed to do, my mind is tricking me into thinking this is an act just to ghost me because maybe he didn't like me? Although his behaviour indicated the opposite.

What do you think of this? I'm genuinely perplexed and the way he's acting is so weird I can no longer recognize him anymore.

P.s: He mentioned that this was his first date since he's never dated before as he is an introvert.

TL;Dr : First date switched from being super sweet to a full self hatred mode without any reason and I don't know what to do.

Submitted November 25, 2022 at 02:28AM by bvndrp
Date suddenly changed his behaviour in a creepy way Date suddenly changed his behaviour in a creepy way Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on November 25, 2022 Rating: 5

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