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She (21F) slept with a guy with history, at a party where all our friends were, including me (20M). I don't know what to do

I (20M) have never been in a committed relationship. Multiple partners confirmed that I was not prepared for monogamy, yet I met this girl(21F) in a trip and felt in love.We started dating in January, but not in an exclusive relationship.

The problems began when she kissed one of the guys in my group of friends. He is that kind of guy who is part of the group, but he's not your friend. This kiss bothered me and we almost broke up, but since I had been with other girls I understood it could be manageable.

Months past and in a party I came across with my ex girlfriend, and we kissed, while she was at the party. After another crisis we worked it out and we started taking things seriously. We stablished that we wouldn't see other people. She met my family, I even introduced her to a cousin who lived in another town and went on a road trip together.

Yesterday, a friend of ours organized a party with all of our friends from college (we study together), and the guy who she kissed was there. I didn't feel unsecure because we had been through it and I didn't want to be toxic. I was really enjoying myself, very drunk and high when she came to me and told me she wanted to rest a little, because she was very drunk. This was a houseparty so there were bedrooms upstairs. I told her that I would go with her, but she refused because "you are having a great time, I'll just sleep". Even though I insisted she went away alone. After a few minutes I go to the bedrooms to see if she was OK and I find her sleeping with the guy he kissed when we started dating. I froze. Their clothes were on, but they were kind of cuddling.

I asked one of my friends to leave me at my home, and slept by myself. She tried to call me but I didn't answer. Today I asked her to meet me at the park to talk. I heard her version of the story. Supposedly, she never intended to sleep with him. She just didn't know where the beds were, so he helped her find them. And then he stayed, but nothing happened.

Even if that were true, I cannot understand why, of all people, she would end up sleeping with him, in a single bed. I'm tired of suffering for this situations, but I still love her. What would you do in my place?

TL; DR: We've had two big crisis in our relationship but we've worked it out. This third time my exclusive partner slept with a guy but -apparently- nothing happened. I don't think this time i'll be able to forgive her. What should I do?

Submitted May 08, 2022 at 09:22PM by Margroso
She (21F) slept with a guy with history, at a party where all our friends were, including me (20M). I don't know what to do She (21F) slept with a guy with history, at a party where all our friends were, including me (20M). I don't know what to do Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on May 09, 2022 Rating: 5

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